/ / This kind of cabbage. Caloric content is good for us.

Such a variety of cabbage. Caloric content is good for us.

According to statistics, more than half of ourimmense country, prefers to all types of cabbage just white-headed. And very vain, because there are many of its varieties, no less useful and rich in vitamins and other substances necessary for our body. It is Savoy, red, broccoli, colored and Brussels sprouts. Caloric content is also small, and useful elements, according to experts, here even more.

By the way, in those centuries when in our countrystill not so popular potatoes, the main place on the table of our grandparents was occupied by cabbage. Its caloric content is very low, and therefore, entering into a wide variety of dishes, it brought the maximum benefit to the body. In our modern times it is no less popular. From it prepare various dietary salads, side dishes to meat dishes, cook light vegetable soups and other foods.

By the way, the most useful, by the way, can be calledwhite, and Brussels sprouts. Its calorie content is only thirty-five calories per hundred grams. It has three times more vitamin C than a white-headed one. By the amount of its content, Brussels sprouts can only be compared with citrus. It can be used without fears for diseases of the stomach and intestines, since it practically does not have coarse fibers. It is very useful in hypertension. Contained in its composition, potassium, improves the functioning of the heart muscle and strengthens it.

Very rich in various useful substancesbroccoli. This cabbage, which caloric content is even less, only thirty-four calories per hundred grams of product, contains special substances that protect our body from the development of malignant tumors. Especially it is useful for gastritis, colitis and stomach ulcer. The proteins contained in it are in no way inferior to animal proteins, and the indispensable and useful acids in the body are exactly the same as in the chicken protein. It is impossible not to mention such a beautiful variety as cauliflower. Calorie is only twenty-eight calories and that's why it's great for a different kind of diet. It is very well digested and absorbed by our body. Contains many vitamins of group B, PP, C and carotene.

To all people with cardiovascular diseasesincredibly useful is red cabbage. Caloric content is the lowest, only twenty-four calories. It strengthens the capillaries and walls of blood vessels, improves the functioning of the circulatory system and cardiac activity. Like other cabbages, it contains a lot of vitamin C and little fiber. Elderly people with high blood pressure, it is highly recommended to include Savoy cabbage as often as possible in their diet. Used as fresh or boiled cabbage. Its caloric content is also small. Only twenty-eight calories. It helps well in the fight against constipation, improves intestinal motility and removes toxins and toxins from the body. The only downside is that Savoy cabbage can not be fermented.

And at last it is necessary to tell about allfavorite white cabbage, which is in demand with the majority of the population. She loved us in any way. Almost daily in our menu there is raw, baked, stewed, fried and boiled cabbage. Caloric content is also very low, only twenty-five calories. But this is not all of its pluses. The phytoncides included in its composition mercilessly destroy the bacilli of tuberculosis and staphylococcus aureus. It has very few carbohydrates, and therefore it can be eaten even by a diabetic patient. Not to mention the fact that it contains a lot of the necessary mineral substances, sugars, vitamins PP, K, C, B, protein, carotene and fiber. Include this and other types of cabbage in your diet as often as possible, and you not only keep a slim figure, but also excellent health for many years.