/ / Cabbage stewed, the calorie content of the product

Cabbage stewed, the calorie content of the product

The properties of cabbage were known even in the ancient world.Repeated references to it are found in the essays of scholars of ancient Greece and Rome. Even for 6 centuries BC. e. white cabbage was the favorite delicacy of these countries. But she herself was only the original modification of wild cabbage growing on the Mediterranean islands.

At first, it was used only as a tasty and nutritious vegetable. A little later, the medicinal properties of a valuable plant were also discovered.

About cabbage as a product of treatment

The advantages of the product were appreciated by Americans and othersnation of the world. For example, in America, some scientists claim that cabbage is a very effective remedy to prevent malignant tumors. Of course, one cabbage can not do. The diet should include other vegetables. But a two-time weekly prophylaxis for health will not be superfluous.

About this product can also be said that it makes a person cheerful and at the same time calm and his nervous system functions without unnecessary overload.

How cabbage food is usually used in 3 types:cabbage stewed, the caloric content of which is very low (useful for those who follow a diet), fried cabbage (calorie content after frying is equivalent to stew) and sauerkraut. Sometimes, according to recipes, cabbage is still boiled, for example broccoli.

Chemical composition of the product

When eating cabbage, we get a minimum of calories from it(approximately 16 kcal per 100 g of product). In sufficient quantities, vitamin C is present. At the same time, it is degreased, which allows the product to be included in almost any more or less common diet. Need a minimum calorie content? Cabbage stewed, fried or sour perfectly balances the body's saturation, giving it the necessary caloric minimum.

Among the other vitamins that aboundproduct, there are vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, PP, E and even U. The latter is extracted from cabbage juice and it is used to treat ulcers. Vitamin U is also useful in sclerosis.

Among the useful acids, mention can be made of tartronicacid. She splits sugar, degreasing it. This fact is valuable for those who want to lose weight. It is worth remembering that any temperature influence (heating, roasting, etc.) destroys this acid. But in the raw and kvsennom form, it does not disappear.

The product also contains a set of usefulmicroelements and salt, while at the same time there are no nitrogenous compounds in it. This makes cabbage an important nutrient in people with diabetes and kidney disorders. Copper restores CNS disorders, and iodine helps to function properly the thyroid gland. The leaves of the plant contain phytoncides. Use a cabbage leaf in the presence of wounds, inflammation in the form of abscesses or radiculitis pain. Not particularly going into details, we can say with confidence: cabbage has a sufficient supply of vitamin C. So, eating it, you can not be afraid for the shortage of this vitamin in the body.

A little bit of stewed cabbage

Stewed cabbage.Caloric content and taste characteristics of this product in a stewed form makes it popular in the preparation of many dishes according to culinary recipes. Going to any culinary Internet resource, you will find there a lot of recipes for stewed cabbage and recipes for other ways of cooking it.

But that's not all.In the procedures of juice starvation (one-day cleaning with juices) for the purpose of purification from toxins of the body, cabbage stew is mentioned again. The calorific value of a healthy vegetable is very low when extinguished. This makes it an easy vegetarian diet for any suitable diet or fasting therapy.

To remove the gases formed in the intestinekids, do not recommend using a fresh or sour vegetable. It is necessary to act on intestinal gases as a laxative. And so laxative cabbage stew appears. Caloric content of the product, as already mentioned above, makes it a practical tool for any food and for medical and recreational purposes.