/ / Traumatic brain injury: first aid, symptoms, signs

Traumatic brain injury: first aid, symptoms, signs

Удар головой о твердые предметы приводит к traumatic brain injury. It is a mistake to assume that if the bones of the skull are intact, then there is no reason for concern either. Closed injury is no less dangerous than its open form. How is traumatic brain injury?


First aid should be provided very quickly regardless of the type.

There are two forms of traumatic brain injury.

1. Closed. Arises due to a hard head impact.items. In this case, the integrity of the bones of the skull is not broken. How should first aid be provided with a closed head injury? This issue will be discussed later, we now describe the symptoms. The signs by which head injury can be determined depend on the severity. A slight injury that can cause concussion and bruise of the soft tissues of the brain, manifests dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Possible short-term loss of consciousness and mild amnesia. A more severe form can cause unconsciousness up to 10 minutes. A person who is injured loses coordination, is unable to locate and remember the circumstances that led to it. Immediate hospitalization or an examination by a doctor for any degree is desirable.

head injury first aid

2. Open.The most severe form of head injury, which injures not only the bones of the skull, but also the internal contents. The obvious defining signs are easy to notice. Deep wounds, heavy bleeding, complete loss of consciousness. The patient must be hospitalized immediately. After all, only quick and proper first aid for traumatic brain injury can help the victim.

What are dangerous head injuries?

Even a slight bruise can cause irreparableeffects on human health. A concussion that accompanies most head injuries does not cause much anxiety in humans. Refusal of examination and treatment can lead to the development of vascular diseases of the brain.

first aid for cranial brain injury

Special anxiety should cause head injuries inchildren and the elderly. Children's injuries may well result in developmental disorders. Attacks of dizziness in the child and complaints of headache indicate a possible concussion.

Older people worn vessels can not withstand the load, and the risk of stroke increases.

Открытая травма головы опасна свободным доступом infection to the internal contents of the brain. Large blood loss worsens the condition of the victim. Fragments of bones and foreign objects can disrupt the brain membrane and cause loss of fluid. First aid for open head injury should be provided very quickly. Delay leads to serious consequences for human health. Statistics show a greater mortality rate among those who have had a head injury. First aid, most likely, was not provided on time, or incorrect manipulations were made.

When should I call an ambulance?

Having witnessed the fall of a person or a car accident, it is necessary to assess the danger of the condition of the victims. After all, they may need first aid for traumatic brain injury.

first aid for closed craniocerebral injury

Call an ambulance is necessary if:

  1. A person does not regain consciousness for more than three minutes.
  2. There is bleeding in the head, mouth or nose.
  3. Dissections and open wounds are visible.
  4. Difficult breathing or missing for a few seconds.
  5. Cramps in the limbs.
  6. Coordination is disturbed, confusion is observed.
  7. Weakness and difficulty moving.
  8. Severe dizziness.
  9. Vomiting.

First aid

A timely first aid for head injuries can save a person not only health, but also life.

In case of head injuries it is impossible to moveinjured and try to put him on his feet. A person may not be aware of his condition. He may try to climb or help other participants in the accident. This is the natural behavior of the victim of a strong blow to the head without losing consciousness. What should I do if there is a possibility that a person has a head injury? First aid should be provided as follows:

  • it is necessary to try to calm the person down and lay him on his back;
  • need to monitor the pulse and the state of the respiratory functions;
  • when unconscious, the victim is laid on his side - uncontrolled vomiting poses a risk of blocking the airways;
  • wounds must be tied up or at least covered with sterile material.

When does the ambulance pick up the victim?

An ambulance crew will determine the condition of the patient and, if necessary, deliver to the hospital for urgent hospitalization if:

  • the victim did not regain consciousness or inadequately assess his position;
  • there is partial or complete loss of memory;
  • visual impairment, constriction or dilation of the pupils;
  • paresis of the limbs and other neurological disorders;
  • open wounds and bleeding.

The victim is delivered to the neurosurgical department for procedures. In case of open head injuries, urgent diagnostics with the help of special equipment, surgical intervention are required.

first aid for cranial brain injury

The chances of a full recovery are largely dependentfrom the state of human health to the incident and the complexity of the injury. Long-term hospital treatment and continuation of outpatient follow-up specialists are required. A complete opinion on the health effects can be made no earlier than a year later. Full recovery can last more than five years.

Lung injury treatment

A timely diagnosis of a head injury and properly prescribed treatment helps to avoid the consequences of brain injuries and concussion.

first aid for craniocerebral injury

What to do with a person whotraumatic brain injury, first aid was already provided to him? X-ray and MRI will determine the presence or absence of internal hemorrhages. Depending on this treatment is prescribed. In satisfactory condition, the patient is discharged for home treatment.

During this period, a patient with a concussion requires:

  • complete rest and bed rest;
  • regular use of prescribed medications;
  • drink plenty of water.

If nausea is recommended to drink acidic liquids. It can be fruit drinks and juices from apples, lingonberries and cranberries.

You should also exclude extraneous irritants (watching TV, working on a computer, reading books and a bright light).

The use of folk remedies is not contraindicated for a speedy cure.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of concussion

Head injury is not a new disease. Village healers successfully used medicinal herbs to solve problems.

first aid for open craniocerebral injury

Aralia tincture is used to restorebrain functions. Prepare it, pouring 50 g of raw materials 0.5 liters of medical alcohol. Insist 3 weeks. Take a teaspoon, spreading in half a glass of water.

Decoction of clover medicinal improvesblood circulation and thin the blood. A teaspoon of herbs pour a glass of hot water (the temperature should be more than 80 degrees) and insist about twenty minutes. Take a third cup 3 times a day.

Herbs with a soothing effect,allow you to cope with anxiety states that accompany concussion. Valerian root in the form of pharmaceutical tincture, decoction of cyanosis blue, motherwort tincture will help to establish sleep.

Prevention methods

Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. This is especially true of severe injuries that could have been avoided in most cases, while observing safety rules.

  1. When team sporting activities,cycling and other active species need to apply protective equipment. Helmet and other sports accessories will help protect your head in collisions, falls and bumps.
  2. Use seat belts and monitor the status of the braking system of the car while traveling.
  3. Observe the rules of the road, both as a driver and as a pedestrian.
  4. Ensure the safety of children in the apartment.Do not leave unattended. Restrict access to traumatic items. Eliminate the possibility of falling unstable heavy pieces of furniture. If necessary, use soft rollers and pillows that cover the sharp corners of cots and sofas.
  5. During the ice to comply with safety regulations. Anti-slip lining on shoes will help avoid falling.
  6. Do not walk along buildings while melting snow and the risk of icicles falling and ice from the roofs of tall buildings.

head injury classification first aid

Compliance with safety measures will reduce the chance of a head injury.


Now you know what a traumatic brain injury is, first aid as it should be. We hope that the information provided in the article was useful to you.