/ / Minimal brain dysfunction - causes and treatment

Minimal cerebral dysfunction - causes and treatment

Минимальная мозговая дисфункция – neuropsychiatric disorder resulting from a weak lesion of the central nervous system. These disorders are due to the course of pregnancy and childbirth, as well as all sorts of infections and lack of care in the period of infancy.

Картина нарушений при минимальной мозговой Dysfunction is very diverse and varies with age, as a rule, its manifestations are increasing to the younger school age. Minimal cerebral dysfunction in children can affect the appearance in changing the structure of the facial bones of the skull, in the incorrect formation of the skeleton of the oral cavity, asthenia of the muscles of the tongue, which can lead to speech development problems. Possible violations of muscle tone, the presence of pathological reflexes. From the vegetative reactions there is increased sweating, drooling. Guys with minimal brain dysfunction are distinguished by motor disinhibition, hyperactivity, they are subject to frequent mood changes. Psychologists working with children with a history of “minimal brain dysfunction,” report the presence of auto-aggression, susceptibility to anger, and rage in such children. Among psychological disorders social immaturity should be noted, which is expressed in the desire to play and communicate with younger children. Such children are distinguished by violations of the process of falling asleep and sleep: sleep is shallow, intermittent, in a dream, children can cry out. As noted above, children with MMD have problems with schooling (one is difficult to “compute” computational actions, others have problems with error-free writing, others have spatial orientation).

Options for disorders with minimal brain dysfunction:

  • Minimal brain dysfunction withhyperactivity due to attention deficit. Such children are characterized by a high threshold of excitability, impulsivity. They are distinguished by a high level of aggressiveness, a decrease in concentration and arbitrariness of attention;
  • Minimal cerebral dysfunction with hypoactivity due to attention deficit. These children are characterized by lethargy, lethargy, decreased concentration of attention;
  • MMD associated with impaired motility, coordination of movements;
  • MMD associated with the imperfection of spatial orientation;
  • MMD, manifested in the violation of speech development.

Negative factors of prenatal development canaffect and in adolescence, expressed in the propensity to use drugs and alcoholic substances, asocial behavior, a tendency to early sexual contact.

Малая мозговая дисфункция проявляется в виде psychomotor excitability, mild degree of distraction, vegetative instability. In 70% of children with minimal minimal dysfunction, the abnormalities occur with minimal medical intervention. The remaining 30% face difficulties learning in school.

MMD by encephalopathic type is characterizedfocal lesions of the NA, expressed in the underdevelopment of higher cortical functions. Mirror in writing, difficulty in recognizing the “right” - “left”, bad speech memory are inherent in these children. Only a third of children with this type of MMD have a favorable compensatory prognosis.

In the period of infancy, children with MMD are distinguished byirritability, sleep disturbance, chin and extremities tremor. At a later time, they are characterized by retardation in psychoverbal development, disinhibition, difficulties in general motor skills. Enuresis develops very often. As a rule, such manifestations with adequate treatment pass by 5 years. If before this age the manifestations are not compensated, then by the beginning of school they can increase, the child will need the help of specialists.