/ / First aid in case of accident

First aid in case of an accident

One of the biggest social issuesmodernity - road accident injuries. In countries with a high level of economy there is a huge number of car accidents with human losses.

The life of the victim often depends onhow well will he be provided first aid in an accident in the first minutes after the disaster. Experts say that the victim of an accident in 75% of cases has a chance to survive, if the time of clinical death has not exceeded three minutes, but if this period is up to five minutes, then this possibility is reduced three times. If a person was in this state for ten minutes, it would not be possible to save him.

First aid in case of accident. Basic principles:

· Assistance to the victim directly at the site of the tragedy. It is carried out by witnesses of the disaster or by specialists who arrived at the scene.

· Measures to save human life and health during its transportation to a medical institution.

· Providing adequate therapy in a medical facility.

Providing first aid in case of an accident will be much more effective if there is a properly equipped first-aid kit. It should contain the following drugs:

· Manganese (potassium permanganate). This substance is used externally for rinsing the throat and mouth, as well as for washing abrasions and wounds (in this case, the solution should be pink).

· Validol (tablets), which are placed under the tongue with pain in the heart.

· 5% iodine tincture, used externally as an effective antiseptic.

· Ammonia (10%), allowing to bring the victim to feelings

· Hemostat, used to temporarily stop bleeding from large limb arteries.

· Bactericidal adhesive plaster.

First aid in case of accident inmost cases are complicated by adverse conditions. It can be formed as a result of intense traffic, or, conversely, lack of communication with the outside world, nonstandard weather conditions (snowfall, heavy rain, intense heat, and severe frost). First aid in case of an accident can also be complicated due to the severe deformation of the vehicle, and, consequently, the inability to reach the victims of the tragedy.

First of all, you must call the medicalspecialists. This can be done by dialing 030 (for MTS subscribers), 003 (if you have Beeline), or 03-03-03 (for Megaphone). You can also dial a special number for emergency calls, consisting of three digits - 112, and you can make such a call in the absence of funds on the account and even without a SIM card.

First aid in case of an accident must be carried out by a person who is confident in his actions. If you do not know what to do, it is better not to take any action yourself.


1. If no heartbeat is heard, swipe your fist against the sternum, if necessary, the effect can be repeated.

2After you are convinced that there is no vomit, food, etc. in the oral cavity, you can proceed to a closed heart massage, followed by artificial respiration (mouth to mouth or mouth to mouth). Five breaths of the heart must be followed by one breath. You can continue until the arrival of the ambulance.

3. Try to remove the source of the injury - car parts, a fallen tree, a cable. This event is aimed at eliminating further compression of soft tissue and additional damage.

4. It is necessary to give the victim a horizontal position in the presence of vomiting, feelings of dizziness, headache (all this may indicate a closed head injury).

five.If there is a suspicion of a spinal cord injury, it is forbidden to independently remove the victim from the car. The only thing you can do is to set the seat to a horizontal position and give a pain reliever (for example, Ketanov).

6. With severe bleeding, it is necessary to put a tourniquet (necessarily above the wound).

7. Damaged soft tissues are treated with a large amount of hydrogen peroxide (a napkin soaked in this substance is simply applied to the site of injury). Cold can also be applied to the wound.