/ / How to make an enema at home: a step by step description

How to make an enema correctly at home: step by step description

how to do enema at home
Not everyone knows how to makecorrect enema at home. It should be noted that such an introduction of fluid into the rectum is made using a special reservoir, which is called the "Esmarch circle". This medical manipulation is quite common among those who have regular intestinal problems. Very often, an enema is placed when it is urgent to clear the lower sections of the rectum, and there is no way to wait for the action of laxatives.

In order to understand how to do an enema correctly at home, we will list all the main attributes that are needed for the manipulation. You will need:

    • rubber bottle with a tip (Esmarch's cup);
    • a basin or other container with a wide bottom;
    • thick plastic film;
    • a couch (sofa, bed, etc.).

how to make an enema baby

Before you do an enema at home to yourself or to another person, you should decide which cleaning liquid will be most effective.

How to do an enema at home

Currently there are many differentsolutions, which are used for cleaning the lower parts of the rectum. As them use and the usual warm water, and decoctions of herbs, and vegetable oils, and salts, and diluted fresh juices and so on. Depending on the purpose of such manipulations, you should choose the most suitable liquid.

Очищать кишечник путем его промывания водой или the solution should be in the early morning (at 5-8 hours) or in the evening (at 21-23 hours). This time is ideal for such manipulations. It should be noted that the position with the introduction of fluid into the rectum may be different. A person is allowed to squat, lie on his back, on his left or right side (with his knees pressed against his stomach), and also kneel on his elbows.

how to make an enema baby

Before you properly enema babyor an adult, you should definitely buy a Esmarkh mug in a pharmacy. It must be filled with cleaning fluid, closed and suspended high. After that, it is recommended to grease the tip abundantly with petroleum jelly, vegetable oil or nourishing cream. From the tube is required to completely release the air. Having reached the outflow of water, it is necessary to turn off the tap. Next tip should be gently inserted into the anus, and then remove the clip. During this procedure, from 1.5 to 2 liters of fluid should flow into the rectum.

how to make an enema syringe

It should be noted that these manipulations canto carry out not only with the help of the Esmarkh mug, but also using an ordinary pear. Before you properly do an enema syringe, you need to perform all the same steps that were described above. As a rule, a rubber pear is used to cleanse the lower intestines in young children.

After the procedure is completed, the patient must lie in the same position for 5 to 10 minutes. During this time, fecal masses will become soft, and their output will be greatly facilitated.