In the life of our body is very importantthe role is played by the digestive system. Therefore, you need to know how to put the enema child and adult, and most importantly, how to do it right. This simple, at first glance, procedure requires some experience and skill. It must be learned by every person. In our time there is a sufficient number of factors, under the influence of which the human body is steadily becoming polluted. Enzymes that help digest food become less active with age, and even in children, some disturbances in the functioning of the intestine are possible. To prevent the formation of constipation and the development of more serious complications, you should know how to put an enema.
This procedure requires a number ofsimple, but mandatory conditions. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water. The enema and all its elements need to boil well. Before you put an oil or medicinal enema, you must first apply a cleansing enema. As the injected liquid, it is best to use the drugs and solutions recommended by the doctor, so it is recommended to consult an expert before putting an enema. Be sure to check the temperature of the fluid being injected and choose the time that is favorable for the procedure. The situation should be calm, no one should interfere.
To begin, let's talk about how to put an enemato kid. Here you need a small rubber enema, always with a soft tip. The volume is chosen independently, starting from the age of the baby. The smallest will be only fifty milligrams. You will also need a gas pipe, diaper or diaper. Fluid for enema can be prepared independently, diluting in a half liter of boiled water a teaspoon of table salt.
How to put an enema child right?First of all, the baby should be reassured. Put it on the changing table on the barrel. The enema can be made directly with the help of a tip or by attaching a gas outlet tube. No sudden movements. The liquid should enter as slowly as possible. Before putting an enema, do not forget to lubricate its tip with cream or oil. After the full introduction of fluid, gently remove the tip and reduce the legs of the baby together. Wait a few minutes. As soon as the toddler starts to push, raise the bent legs to the tummy and press a little.
Now find out how to put an enema to an adult.Here you need a special mug of Esmarch. It can be suspended, which allows you to perform this procedure without assistance. Water should be prepared in advance. It is recommended pre-boiled and chilled water, but it's also a simple stand-by. Be sure to measure its temperature. Optimal will be a mark of twenty degrees. Water can be acidified with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. The Esmarch mug is suspended at a height of not less than one and a half meters, the supply of liquid is blocked, and the tip is lubricated with oil or cream. When everything is ready, you can proceed to the procedure itself.
How to put an enema?We accept the knee-elbow position and insert the tip of the hose into the rectum. Carefully remove the clamp and make some strong sighs. Be sure to check the fluid supply, releasing and lightly clamping the hose. This will help to avoid possible pain. Once the necessary amount of fluid has entered the intestine, the hose is clamped and removed. We remain in this position for as long as possible, at least five to ten minutes. Then you should visit the toilet. After such cleaning, always let the body rest.
Knowing how to put the enema correctly, you can notonly quickly and qualitatively clean the intestines, get rid of constipation and swelling, but also help cleanse the entire body. This procedure should not be performed after recently suffered strokes and heart attacks, colon disease, with stomach problems, kidney failure, headaches and fever.