Diseases of the joints today are recorded veryoften. Most often this is due to the wrong lifestyle and too much load on the support apparatus. Often people develop diseases that affect the sacroiliac joint. Consider what symptoms are characterized by these pathologies, why they appear and how to get rid of them.
Causes of Disease Development
It should be noted that there are a lot of factors that can contribute to the appearance of a problem, for example:
- Osteoarthritis of the sacroiliac joint.
- The inflammatory process in the bones or surrounding soft tissues.
- Fracture or other types of joint injuries.
- Great body weight.
- Improper nutrition.
- Raising items with a large mass.
- Prolonged abnormal posture.
- Infectious pathology of internal organs. Pregnancy and childbirth.
- Spondyloarthropathy.
- Joint dysfunction.
Symptomatology of pathology
Inflammation of the sacroiliac joint may manifest itself in different ways. The most common symptoms are:
- Pain syndrome. It may increase after prolonged sitting in the same position.
- Restriction of spinal movements.
- In some cases, fixed fever, which may be insignificant, but stable.
Arthrosis of this joint is characterized by the samesigns and can be caused by the same factors. However, the features of the treatment of this pathology are quite different. If you feel pain in the sacroiliac joint, it is necessary to consult a specialist.
Features of diagnosis of the disease
В принципе, лабораторные анализы в этом случае не can show a complete picture of the pathology, although they will help to establish the cause of its development. Naturally, for an accurate diagnosis, you need an x-ray and MRI. External examination is required and patient complaints are recorded.
The specialist also conducts a series of tests thatwill help him determine how strongly and rapidly the disease develops. To do this, the doctor does not need special devices or appliances. It is enough just to know how these manipulations are carried out.
What tests are conducted during the examination?
To study the sacroiliacjoint, the doctor needs to observe how the patient performs certain movements. You can produce them in different positions: sitting, standing, lying down. So, the patient must pass such tests:
1. On the elasticity. In this case, the specialist can assess how mobile the joint is.
2. To assess the tension of the adductor muscles. This will make it possible to distinguish the diseases of the sacroiliac joint and the hip joint.
3. Flexion (standing and lying). Here the doctor can examine how well the joint functions.
4. Pressure test. It is used to find out the type of pathology.
Conservative treatment of the disease
It should be noted that the sacroiliacthe joint bears the main static load of the body. Naturally, if this joint cannot function normally, then the person also cannot perform his work and move around. Conservative therapy involves the use of painkillers ("Drotaverin", "Analgin", "Dimedrol"). Moreover, these drugs can be introduced by injection.
Can be used to eliminate inflammationcorticosteroids, both intramuscular and local action (ointment). For example, you can use drugs "Diclofenac", "Dikloberl". In the case of an acute form of pathology, penicillin antibiotics may be needed.
Be sure to during the period of treatment to limit the load on the joint. To do this, use bandages. In order to remove the swelling in the joint, it is necessary to apply the methods of physiotherapy.
Folk methods of eliminating arthrosis
Sacroiliac joint can not be treatedonly using traditional methods. Often used to eliminate osteoarthritis folk recipes. However, it should be borne in mind that at fracture, injury of the articulation, ligament rupture, such methods may be ineffective. Therefore, before using alternative medicine, consult a doctor.
With arthritis, you can help such tools:
1. A decoction of birch buds.To prepare this tool, use 2 tablespoons of fresh raw materials per liter of water. After stirring the mixture a little over low heat, cool it and strain it. Drink remedy should be up to 4 times a day and 1 large spoon. It is better to take medicine before meals.
2. Camphor is not enough. It is used for rubbing the affected area. You can buy the drug at the pharmacy. Next, it is mixed with a beaten egg and a small amount of mustard.
3Burdock leaves can be used to eliminate pain. They are simply attached to the affected area and tied with a warm scarf. Leave a compress need for a while. Before applying it, you can make a massage using honey.
Physiotherapy methods of elimination of the disease
If you have damaged or inflamedthe sacroiliac joint, the treatment involves the use of such methods to eliminate the pathology, such as acupuncture, ultraviolet heating, electrophoresis with the use of drugs, infrared radiation.
Naturally, an important step in treatment isthe use of physical therapy and manual therapy. Massage should be done by a specialist. First, you will not be able to carry out the procedure yourself anyway. Secondly, it is necessary to know techniques that will help return the joint to its function and not harm even more.
As for physical education, if damagedSacroiliac joint, exercises must be sparing. First of all, these are different types of mobilizations. For example, stand on all fours on the edge of the sofa. At the same time one knee, which is on a healthy half, should hang down a little. Next, try to relax as much as possible, after which you should feel the tension in the presented joint. Now you can make a springy movement with the knee hanging down.
Mobilization can be done in the prone position.At the same time it is necessary to lay down on a healthy side. Now you need to lean your knee on the table, and hand press on the upper axis of the Ilium in the forward and upward direction. This is rather inconvenient, but effective.
Pathology Prevention
Чтобы вы не почувствовали всю «прелесть» данного diseases, try to implement all necessary preventive measures. First of all, start eating right. That is, eliminate fatty, smoked and fried foods from the diet. Lean on fruits and vegetables rich in calcium, phosphorus and vitamins. If necessary, take special immuno-strengthening drugs.
If you have a lot of weight, you need to start a fight with him.Give up smoking, do some sport (jogging, walking, cycling). Constant sitting in the office also has a detrimental effect on your skeleton. Naturally, from time to time you should do certain physical exercises that will help relieve the load on the presented joint.
That's all the features of treatment of injuries of the sacroiliac joint. Be attentive to yourself.