/ / Prevention of colds in a child. Fundamental rules

Prevention of colds in children. Fundamental rules

If the baby is sick, young parents immediatelyfall into a panic. He is so small, defenseless, his mother does not have any experience at all, there are few permitted drugs. The disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Preventing colds in a child is the main thing that all efforts should be directed to. In the autumn-winter period, this is especially true. At this time, viruses attack from all sides: they settle on the shelves of the supermarket, dad, elder brother or sister can bring them into the house. The main thing is not to worry. Because of mom's fears, the baby gets stress hormones along with breast milk. And this greatly weakens the child’s immunity.

child prevention of colds

Prevention and treatment of colds

The humidity in the nursery should be 50-55%,air temperature - 18-21 ° C. Prevention of colds in a child is, above all, the creation of a certain microclimate. It is necessary to wash the floor daily and regularly air the room. In the baby’s room, bookcases with open shelves, carpets, and a large number of soft toys are not needed. Do not wrap the baby too much. If the crumbs have cold hands and a nose, this does not mean that it is cold. If the head is warm, then everything is in order. From the first days of life, do not create a “greenhouse” condition for your child, do not overdo it, do not protect it from drafts. Then these same drafts will not be terrible to him in the future.

prevention and treatment of colds

Daily bathing, regular massage andgymnastics, air baths several times a day, walks in the fresh air - all this is prevention of colds in a child. Well, if the crumbs have the opportunity to swim in the pool or in a large bath. Any physical activity helps to strengthen the immune system. With regard to nutrition, then for the baby there is nothing more beneficial than breast milk. This is a natural immunostimulant. In addition, if the mother is sick, then antibodies to the virus immediately begin to be produced in the milk. This means that a child who is not yet having specific immunity will receive it from the mother. Therefore, breastfeeding with SARS is necessary. The main thing is to take care of hygiene: wash hands more often, change into clean clothes, wear a mask that needs to be changed every two to three hours. It is better to use disposable dressings, but if you use gauze, then wash them carefully and iron them on both sides.

If suddenly grandparents, uncles and auntsif they are sick, they should understand that they can only come to the house where the small child lives after full recovery. If someone from a family member is sick, move him to another room and immediately select a separate dish. Keep contact with the baby to a minimum and do not forget about the mask and enhanced hygiene for the sick. Consult a pediatrician, perhaps he will advise drugs for the prevention of colds. These are serious tools that require a responsible attitude on the part of parents, so do not assign them yourself.

drugs for the prevention of colds

Body contact, on-demand feeding,Mom's confidence and calmness have a huge impact on the protective capabilities of a child’s body. So try to give all this to the baby every day.

Remember, well-organized prevention of colds in a child will avoid many serious health problems.