Burdock as a plant for the treatment of joints withhas long established itself as the most accessible and effective tool. That is why people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system use this therapy quite often.
Folk recipes using burdock
1. Honey and the ground roots of the plant should be mixed in equal proportions. Take the remedy three times during the day according to art. spoon.
2. Honey and root powder extract (1: 1) to insist one week in a glass of vodka. Reception: 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day.
3. In a glass of boiling water insist 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry ground roots 1 hour. Reception: 2 tbsp. spoons four times a day.
4. Sore joints can be wrapped with fresh burdock leaves.
Treatment of arthrosis with burdock
Arthrosis is considered one of the most common diseases, and treatment with burdock in folk therapy is considered the most effective:
1. 5-7 leaves of burdock wash and dry.Tightly put them in a pile of velvety side down, and on top, set the pan with boiling water. Lubricate the sore spot with unrefined vegetable oil, attach the prepared leaves with a velvet side to the aching joint, top with polyethylene and tie with a warm kerchief.
2. It is quite effective to treat the juice of burdock.Remember the leaf before the appearance of droplets of juice. Lightly sprinkle it with any cologne and apply to the affected joint. Cover it with polyethylene and wrap it with a scarf. Leave this compress all night.
Treatment of arthritis and radiculitis with a burdock
With these diseases, fresh burdock leaves are applied to the inflamed joints. Treatment with burdock and its leaves for a long period of time helps to achieve good results.
Most popular methods of treatment offertreatment of joints with burdock and its roots. Roots should be so much that it suffices to impose a completely sick joint. The poultice should be left on the joint until the burdock roots of burdock are completely cooled, then they wrap up the sore spots with a warm kerchief or scarf for the night.
From the roots of the burdock you can prepare infusions and decoctions, which must be consumed inside throughout the day.
Broth from the roots of burdock
Phytotherapists advise to use a decoction ofroots burdock on the following recommendation: to 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ground burdock roots pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and sent to the water bath for 10 minutes, then drain the decoction. Take three times a day for half a glass.
People who are faced with the problem of inflammationjoints, persistently recommend treatment with burdock and infusion from it: pour a glass of chilled boiled water to 2 teaspoons of milled burdock roots. Cover and let stand one night. Take infusion of a third of the glass, morning portion is drunk on an empty stomach.
Burdock and elecampane
Травники рекомендуют употреблять корни лопуха и elecampane in the form of infusion. Infusion of each root is prepared separately. The crushed root of elecampane is poured with chilled boiled water overnight. The same thing to do with the root of burdock. In the morning, the infusions are filtered and combined. Take during the day 4-5 times in half a glass.
Especially effective treatment of burdock in conjunction with special gymnastics and physiotherapy, performed in accordance with the appointment of a doctor.