/ / How to straighten your shoulders to overcome the stoop? Exercises, recommendations and reviews

How to straighten the shoulders to overcome stoop? Exercises, recommendations and feedback

Сидячая работа не щадит позвоночник и в этом мы we can make sure every day - slouching, pain, stiffness of movements disturb many - from schoolchildren to pensioners. How to straighten your shoulders and return your back to normal? In the article we will give a lot of useful and simple exercises that will help you keep your spine healthy.

A complex approach

You must remember that the shoulders are not a separate part of the organism, living its own life. It is a component of the musculo-bone complex, which unites the neck, ribs, shoulder blades and shoulders.

Let's remember school biology, namelyanatomy section. The shoulder complex is inextricably linked with the humerus, the clavicle, the thoracic spine, the rib cage, and the shoulder blades. Because of this, we are able to make a huge range of movement in the upper body. But unlike, for example, the hip joint, which works on the hinge principle, all these bones can perform their functions optimally only thanks to a complex system of muscles and ligaments. When soft tissues are forced to perform uniform movements for a long time or stay in the same position, their mobility decreases and they “remember” the wrong position.

how to straighten your shoulders

How to straighten the shoulders, whose muscles are frozen inwrong position and cause pain, inconvenience, and also worsen the work of other body systems (primarily respiratory and cardiac)? Get into the habit of doing certain exercises regularly at least once a day. Rare workouts you will not achieve anything. If you have a sedentary job, then try to make time for lunch in order to stretch your back just a little.

Posture correction

Начнем с самого простого.Let this exercise be the very first of those that you will perform for the health of your back, because it helps the muscles to “remember” their correct position, to stretch the spine, and generally improves blood flow in this area.

How to straighten your shoulders with the help of improved posture:

  • Get straight and slightly slouch forward. Do not overdo it, because, most likely, you have already taken a position in this position.
  • Now straighten up, slightly bending the upper part of the spine. Do not strain your neck or lower back.
  • To control the correctness of the exercise, place your thumbs between the shoulder blades and feel the movement of the muscles in this area. Repeat 3-5 times.

how to straighten stooped shoulders

Accuracy of movement

How to straighten your shoulders if you still feel stiff?

Perform up-and-down movements with paddles.It sounds simple, but in fact it requires some skill. Concentrate on performing the movement with the shoulder blades, and not just moving the shoulders.

Для этого станьте так, чтобы вам было удобно, и move the shoulder blades up, but not more than 1 cm. Watch your posture and hold the position for 10 seconds. Then lower the shoulder blades 1 cm and wait a little bit again. Repeat several times.

The most effective shoulder muscle exercises

Even simple movements familiar with physical education lessons will help to straighten your shoulders.

For example, torsion of the shoulder joint: become straight, keeping your posture and rotate your shoulders (not your arms) clockwise 10 times, then against.

Another good exercise is known as"Castle". To perform it, you need to raise your right hand, bend it and put it on the shoulder blade, the left hand at this time bends at the elbow and touches the shoulder blade from below. Now try to grab the fingers of one hand over the other. Try to press them as close as possible to the shoulder blade. Repeat, changing the position of the hands.

how to straighten your shoulders to overcome stoop

If your flexibility is not enough to get the fingers of your other hand, take a regular towel and try to grab it.

In any case, proceed carefully, without overstressing untrained muscles, so as not to aggravate the problem.

After that, you can swing your arms with your hands, just like straight arms, or leaning against a wall and bending your arms at a 90 degree angle.

shoulder muscle exercises straighten your shoulders

How to straighten stooped shoulders

Try to do these simple exercises regularly:

Stretching the shoulder:Lift your right hand and bend it in your elbow, pointing your fingers from your left shoulder to the side, then clasp your right elbow with your second hand, and pull it slightly to the left. Try each time to slightly increase the amplitude of movement, but do not overdo it.

The deflection or posture of a cobra is very effective.exercise that helps to straighten your shoulders and straighten your back. To do this you will need a gym mat. Lie on your stomach, bend your elbows, and place your palms down at shoulder level. Now slowly tear off the chest from the floor, lifting the shoulder blades up, avoiding excessive sagging in the lower back. Try to move only the middle and upper spine. From the first, it is possible that you will not be able to climb high enough. Take your time, after a few days the spine will become more flexible, and then you can safely stretch it.

shoulder muscle exercises straighten your shoulders

Now you know how to straighten your shoulders forovercoming slouch. Do not forget that the effectiveness of these exercises will directly depend on the frequency of their implementation. And always listen to your body - careless and sudden movement can give a lot of problems.

Good habits

The secret of how to straighten shoulders and take care of the health of the back, lies not only in the exercises, but also in the formation of good habits.

For example, take frequent breaks duringsit back and move more - even if it means going through a couple of floors instead of using an elevator. Many people are helped by a small office trick - to put the printer away from the desktop. So every time you need to print a document, you will have to walk a bit.

Do not forget that your shoulders are not earrings, therefore do not allow your neck to bend constantly and your shoulders rise to your ears.

If it is difficult to maintain posture, it will be goodpurchase special seat pads on the chair that help maintain correct spinal curvature or special corsets. The latter can be purchased at the pharmacy.

straighten your shoulders and straighten your back
They are invisible under normal clothing and with the right selection will help control the position of the shoulders and avoid slouching.