How to pump up the shoulders.

Beautiful, pumped up wide men's shoulders -an object of women's admiration, an indicator of strength and masculinity. It is not so difficult to pump the shoulders, as it seems at first glance, not only bodybuilders, but also non-professionals can cope with this. Each man at will can slightly adjust his figure, giving it a more weighty and powerful appearance. The most essential thing for pumping shoulders is knowing some exercises, the specifics of doing them and desiring.

First of all, it is necessary to know what theShoulders from several groups of muscles (they are called deltoid) - front, rear and middle. It is thanks to them that we can raise our hands. How fast should I pump my shoulders? This is quite simple, performing exercises, you need to pay attention to each of the three muscle groups. It should be said that every movement involving the lifting of any weight above the head creates a certain strain on them. However, for a faster and more complete achievement of the result, it is necessary to carry out specially designed exercises for these purposes.

  • To complete this task, you will needdumbbells. Sit on a chair, keeping your back straight. Lift the dumbbells to the level of the shoulders, placing palms on each other's hands. Take a breath, while resting your feet on the floor, and straighten your arms. After this, take a short pause and return the shells to their original place (to the shoulders). Repeat the exercise eight times for eight approaches. It is important in the process of making sure that the body does not bend back, and that the arms are vertical when lifting dumbbells.
  • This exercise is performed with the barbell.You need to take the original position (the bar on the shoulders) and several times lift it over your head. This uneasy exercise will allow you to quickly pump up your shoulders. In total it is necessary to execute 4 sets of 8 repetitions.
  • Находясь в сидячем положении, и удерживая dumbbells, slowly, spread your hands up, and then to the sides (they must rise to the level of the shoulders). Pause and return and the initial position, while controlling the muscle tension. Do not forget to breathe in when lifting and exhaling during reverse movement. It is recommended to perform load eight times in three approaches.
  • The following exercise will not only pump upShoulders, but also to pump the triceps. Take the bar, while the hands should be at a distance of 10 centimeters from each other. With a sharp movement, lift the projectile to the level of the chin and return it back. In total it is necessary to perform three approaches ten times each.
  • Данное упражнение считается довольно тяжелым, so start its implementation should be with dumbbells more light in weight, gradually increasing the weight and, accordingly, the load. In both hands take dumbbells and alternately lift them forward and up above the head. Do three sets of eight repetitions.

In doing the exercises, remember that traumaShoulder muscles are very dangerous for health. Therefore, carry out loads carefully, carefully and reasonably. Before the session, it is necessary to perform a warm-up, which will warm up the muscles, preparing them for the exercises. Carefully refer to the choice of weight shells, in the initial stages it is recommended to conduct classes with a fixed barbell. During the exercise, pay attention to the position of the back, it must be strictly in the vertical position. It is important that at the same time the head looks forward, and the elbows are not clamped. Wrist wrists when performing certain loads should be placed parallel to the forearm. And remember that it is undesirable to lower the bar below the level of the neck. By observing these regulations, you can avoid sports injuries of the shoulder.

Now, knowing a lot about how to pump up the muscles of the shoulders, you can easily work on improving your figure.