/ / Vegetable diet: celery dishes for weight loss

Vegetable Diet: dishes from celery for weight loss

Сельдерей пришел к нам из средиземноморских countries where it is considered one of the most valuable products for the body. This root contains a huge amount of nutrients. Among them are such indispensable minerals for man as zinc and magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium. In addition, this vegetable is rich in essential oils, the high concentration of which explains its strong aroma. Many people undeservedly bypass celery because of its pungent smell and specific taste, but the benefits of this product are beyond any doubt.

Celery slimming recipes

Due to its high fiber content andvitamins, as well as the absence of protein compounds, this vegetable has become one of the most popular in various diets. Celery dishes for weight loss have been tested by a large number of people and have long proven their unsurpassed effectiveness. Of course, any diet should be accompanied by moderate physical exertion. After all, its main goal is not only to burn excess fat deposits: it is very important to tone the muscles.

How useful and indispensable celery stalkfor weight loss, even the ancient Greeks knew. No wonder they called him "magic grass", which helps, including, in attracting the opposite sex. It was also believed that this vegetable with a tart flavor has the miraculous power of rejuvenation. Nowadays, this is due to the content in the green stalks of a whole complex of nutrients and trace elements. Celery dishes for weight loss will be an indispensable help to those who are used to keep themselves in good shape and follow the figure. They will help to improve the metabolism, remove the accumulated slags and toxins from the body, and normalize hormones.

Celery: recipes for weight loss

celery stalk slimming
A useful root vegetable will be an excellent basis foruseful diet. Do not be limited to one celery: a way to lose weight on the basis of celery mono diet can hardly be considered reasonable. Fortunately, there are not only healthy, but also delicious celery dishes for weight loss. Here it is only one of the components, which greatly facilitates its use. Among the recipes there are those that are suitable for people who dislike the specified vegetable: for example, light vegetable salads, which are useful to replace dinner. It is believed that you can very quickly reduce the weight, if you use daily a small celery root and a bit of its greenery. They can be eaten both fresh and added to other dishes. At the same time it is necessary to drink at least two liters of filtered pure water with the addition of lemon juice.

Very popular are such celery dishes for weight loss, as a variety of soups. It is better not to leave them the next day, but to eat them fresh, while all the useful substances remain active.

Celery Slimming Soup Recipe

celery dishes for weight loss

For cooking one of these soups youyou will need to finely chop the cabbage, mash five medium tomatoes with a fork (remove the skin before), cut two bulbs and two bell peppers into cubes or strips, and chop a little parsley or any other greens. The main component of the dish will be celery root. It is necessary to cut a thin straw or grate on a coarse grater.

Preparing such a soup in a five-liter saucepan,where you need to pour about half or a little more cold water. Then it is put on a strong fire and, when the contents boil, pour the prepared and chopped vegetables. Then the soup should again be brought to a boil and leave for 10 minutes, not slowing down the fire. After this period, he is ready. It remains only to sprinkle it with fresh herbs and leave on the stove to infuse.