/ / Irkutsk International Airport - hub port for world flights

International Airport Irkutsk - the hub port of world flight

Today Irkutsk International Airport is consideredintersection of flights of regional and international importance. Less than 9 years remained before the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the existence of an air carrier in Siberia. He is the second oldest after the Moscow enterprise of domestic aviation.

The appearance of the airport

First mentioned International Airport Irkutsk was honored in 1925.On June 24, a triumphal flight was made from Moscow to Beijing with intermediate landings and aircraft shifts in Irkutsk and Ulan Bator. Of the six airborne 4 aircraft belonged to the domestic aviation, and 2 were foreign.

The flight expedition was commanded by Pilot Shmitd I.P., and the future colonel-general Mikhail Gromov was on the team.

Successful flight served as a point forthe beginning of the aviation planned development of Siberia. The first airfield on which the transfer took place was rather small, only 500 × 600 steps, and was located not far from the village of Bokovo.

After 3 years, in May 1928, appeared aboutThe Znamensky Monastery is the first hydroport, from which 3 months later, in August, the debut flight to Bodaibo took off, consisting of passengers and mail. On the way, the plane made landings in large villages located on the banks of the Angara.

For two months, in 1934, the Irkutskthe pilots rescued the ice-breaker Chelyuskin stuck in the ice of the Arctic Ocean. They managed to save all the crew members and passengers, but the icebreaker sank.

A year later, on the day of the celebration of the air fleet, the Irkutsk citizens were offered an air parade consisting of 14 aircraft.

After the war in January 1948, the first round-the-clock flights were opened from Irkutsk to Moscow and from Irkutsk to Yakutsk with an intermediate landing to Bodaibo.

And under New 1955, at the end of December, the airport was awarded the title of international. And the first direction was chosen Beijing.

In 1994, Irkutsk International Airport was marked with a certificate authorizing the conduct of world flights, and two months later a terminal was opened for this type of lines.

international airport Irkutsk


In 2004, the airfield of Irkutsk was awarded a certificate that allows for international flights. And a year later Irkutsk International Airport received the status of the best in Russia and the CIS countries.

In 2008, work was done on lengtheningrunway. Today’s length is 3565 meters. Increasing the band now allowed to take all types of aircraft and even heavy "Boeing".

A year later, in the course of carrying out large-scale work on the reconstruction of the domestic air terminal, he was given the national title “The Crystal Gates of Irkutsk”.

In 2010, for the first time in 15 years, in one year more than 1,000,000 passengers were served.

In June 2012, another award was made at the contest “The best airport of the CIS countries”, where the nomination was the most actively developing.

After 4 months on the runway inIrkutsk Il 96-400T landed, a heavy aircraft that focuses on the transport of goods up to 92 tons. This allowed in the book of life of the airport to open a new chapter.

In April 2013, the airport was officially removed from federal ownership and transferred to the regional.

Irkutsk airport international flights

Changes in the 2000s

Worthy of stagnant and poor yearsIrkutsk airport. International flights still continued their scheduled departures. When in 2001 the financial position of the company was stabilized, the profitability of the airport began to increase again. The infrastructure underwent changes: the light-signaling equipment was replaced, the runway “grew”, the reconstruction of the air terminal began, and a major overhaul was carried out in separate rooms.

Arrival board Irkutsk International Airport

General information

Currently the airport is served byalmost all domestic and foreign aircraft. Cooperation is conducted with 70 airlines: Russian and foreign. Daily information appears on the display showing the schedule of Irkutsk International Airport: from 10 to 17 passenger flights on federal lines, 10-15 routes to local destinations and the same number of cargo flights.

Воздушными воротами, принимающими и отправляющими airplanes are two passenger terminals. Built in 1939 and reconstructed in 1994, the international one and commissioned in 1976 was internal.

Due to the large area of ​​2.2 hectares allottedunder the cargo complex, the ability of the airport to pass through more than 150 tons daily increases. The cargo complex includes: a platform where aircraft containers, docks, warehouses are processed - with a total area of ​​1257 sq. M. m

board International Airport Irkutsk

Enterprise for people

Irkutsk Airport is a large enterprise.providing jobs for about 2,000 people. It is also adjacent to the hotel "Air Harbor", repair shop and the medical unit, the service of aviation service. For passengers with VIP status there are dedicated service areas in each of the two terminals.

Scoreboard Irkutsk International Airport displaysall flights for the coming hours. In the airport lounge there are standard souvenir shops and small cafes. There is a dedicated Wi-Fi, judging by the reviews, very good quality.

Irkutsk international airport timetable

Internet page

The design of the official site is captivating: as if you are standing in the middle of the airport hall, and it seems: roll your head to the sides and immediately find the desired board of arrival. Irkutsk - an international airport with rare flight connections: to Kirensk, Kyren, Shumak, Bodaibo and some others.

Bimonthly flight newspaper“Irkutsk Sky” will help you to find out the latest news of the air carriers, in it you can read interviews with the heads of various airlines of the Irkutsk region. The newspaper is distributed free of charge and is located in the terminals and offices of the airlines.