In the late period of his work MikhailLermontov wrote a poem "Prayer". Despite the fact that the author is only 25 years old, he had already been in exile and rethought his own life. In it, most often he had to play the role of a rowdy and a secular lion.

Analysis: "Prayer" Lermontov. History of the creation of the poem
After returning from the Caucasus, the poet understands thatChange the world that surrounds him, it is impossible. He is not able to do this. The feeling of powerlessness makes Lermontov turn to God. Because of classical religious education, the poet never took faith seriously. His contemporaries often noted in his notes that Lermontov's active and turbulent nature very often forced him to first commit acts, and then only to think about what he had done. Being a rebel in life, the poet never tried to hide his political convictions. Only after several months spent in the Caucasus, he was imbued with ideas of a higher beginning, to which the destiny of man is subject.

Analysis: "Prayer" Lermontov. An attempt to rethink life
In the shower Lermontov still remains a rebel.But he begins to realize that his mission is not just to prove to others their stupidity and uselessness. After the Caucasus, he returns to Moscow, where he attends social events and is close to Maria Shcherbakova. In one of the conversations the young girl declares to the poet that only prayer directed to God helps to find spiritual balance and find strength in the hardest moments of life. It can not be asserted that this conversation made Lermontov look at the world in a new way. But, apparently, the poet found his own, special truth in the words of a young lady. He writes his "Prayer" - the most luminous and lyrical work.
Analysis: "Prayer" Lermontov. The main theme and idea
The poem does not contain requests, repentance andself-flagellation. The poet recognizes that simple words can have power, cleanse the soul of anguish, grief and heavy burden caused by the fact that a person is aware of his impotence. An analysis of Lermontov's poem "Prayer" shows that the poet took the words of young Maria Shcherbakova seriously. He begins to pray in those moments when he is driven by his own thoughts and experiences into a corner. Doubt is yet another insidious enemy of the poet. It's like punishment for him. Are his desires and aspirations true? Suddenly, the hobby for literature is just self-deception, and ideals that identify mutual respect for people and equality are fiction, the fruit of a rich imagination? To get rid of such thoughts, to dispel doubts and anxiety, tries to find the spiritual support of Lermontov.

"Prayer": analysis and conclusions
While creating the work, the poet tried to reconcile himself withdestined to him the way. At the same time, he strengthened his faith in his own strength. It is possible that writing a poem is a premonition of an imminent death. This is a kind of penance in verse. And its meaning lies in the fact that the poet struggles with his own weaknesses, which force him to hide his true thoughts and feelings behind a mask of decency. This is indicated by the artistic analysis carried out. Lermontov's "Prayer" is a turning point dividing his work into two different periods.