To all fans of the poet's work,how reverent attitude to the Caucasus Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov. "Dagger" is one of the poems dedicated to the Caucasian peoples and expresses his love for this beautiful land. The work was written at the end of 1837 under the title "Gift", in 1838 the author slightly changed the text and renamed it "Dagger". The beginning of the poem resonates with Pushkin's work of the same name, written in 1821. Perhaps, Mikhail Yuryevich copied his idol in some way, but his work has an expanded content.

Analysis of the poem "Dagger" by Lermontovallows us to understand that this gift was unusual for the author, he admired him, therefore he gives a solemn oath to fulfill his promises and not change the firmness of the soul. Many writers came to the grave of Alexander Griboyedov and stayed with his widow, Mikhail Yurievich was no exception. For him, Nina Griboyedova was the ideal of beauty, cordiality, loyalty and good nature. During their meeting, the woman presented Lermontov and Odoyevsky with a dagger as a sign of friendship, loyalty and honor, because she considered them friends in the lyre.

As a sign of devotion and love, Nina on Mount Mtatsmindaerected a monument to Griboyedov, a figure of kneeling and sobbing woman poured from bronze - this is herself. It was here that public figures and writers from all over Russia came to pay tribute to the memory of the great writer. An analysis of the poem "Dagger" by Lermontov makes it possible to understand how much the author admired the firmness of character, spirit, loyalty to her husband's memory and the high human qualities of Nina.