Despite the fact that Valery Bryusov had a directattitude to symbolism, yet one of his brilliant creations relates to Russian classicism. The poem "Dagger" was written in 1903, it is dedicated to Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov and Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - two great writers who gave their lives to the struggle against the autocracy, who raised issues of freedom in his works, as well as the role of the poet in society.

Analysis of the poem by Bryusov "Dagger" allowsTo see the differences between the worldview of the author and his predecessors - Pushkin and Lermontov. Alexander Sergeevich and Mikhail Yurievich believed that the poet should write poetry for people, not paying attention to obstacles and misunderstandings. But Valery Yakovlevich thinks that it is pointless to talk about high matters if the people are in captivity. The poet can not change anything until people themselves try to get rid of the cargo. The writer must obey the opinion of the public, and not vice versa.

Valery Yakovlevich predicted a change of publicinformation, he for himself clearly decided on which side will perform. Analysis of Bryusov's poem "Dagger" allows us to understand that the author admires the works of Lermontov and Pushkin, understanding that their works were more significant for society than his works. Valery Yakovlevich chooses the side of the people, but he himself can not explain why he does it. Mikhail Yurievich and Alexander Sergeevich in their time were the link between different layers of society, but Bryusov himself is not.