Analysis of the poem “The Prophet” of Lermontov will start withwhat we learn about the time of its creation. It was written in 1841. The poem is considered one of the most recent creations of genius. We can say that the “Prophet” is a certain testament of the poet, his farewell.

The poem was published only after the death of the author. Nevertheless, it is a landmark for Mikhail Yuryevich.
In his work, the poet tried to reflect his entire life path. The analysis of the poem by Lermontov “The Prophet” is often compared with the analysis of the similar “Prophet” by Pushkin.
Consider the genre affiliation andcompositional construction of the poem. It is based on the biblical text and a legendary genre. An important difference from the work of Pushkin is that he chose the book of the Prophet Isaiah, and Lermontov chose the book of the prophet Jeremiah.
The composition of poems of the same name alsosubjected to comparison. The fact is that Pushkin has a movement from the lowest to the highest: first the “dark desert”, and then the path to people with hope. Lermontov has the opposite: first, enthusiasm, love and truth, and then escape from the city with ashes on his head.

Analysis of the poem "The Prophet" impliesconsideration of the ideological and artistic content of the work, which ends with a speech, issued in the form of direct speech This is a kind of appeal of the “old men” to the younger generation, children, who must renounce the prophet and in no case follow him.
Now let's talk about the main ideas of the poem. The main thing here is the theme of the poet and poetry. Pay attention to the image of the desert. It has two semantic features:
1) the space that opposes the city, the population of people and the whole world, which was created by man;
2) a large and open space, which symbolizes the infinity.
Недаром именно пустыня утолила жажду пророка.Here he gets what was missing in the city life - communication. Nobody listened to him among the people and the city bustle, and now even the stars are listening to him. The loneliness of the poet is opposed to unity with the universe.
A detailed analysis of the poem "The Prophet" requiresconsideration and artistic features. Biblical vocabulary as well as Slavicisms are widely used here. Let us give examples of such words: earthly creature, eyes, prophet, chapter, testament, etc. The poet uses epithets belonging to high style, for example, God's food, eternal judge, pure teachings and others. What's interesting is that Mikhail Yuryevich also uses satire and irony. He draws an aggressive crowd that does not recognize the prophet and drives him. The line “the elders say“ with a proud smile ”is repeated in both final stanzas.
Because of such stylistic heterogeneity, Lermontov divides the poem into stanzas. It consists of seven quatrains, each of which conveys a certain stage in the development of the storyline.
As for the size of the poem, here we will find a combination of iambic tetraspinum with pyrrhea.

Lermontov sums up all his creativityown life. He touches upon the tragic fate of the poet-prophet, his existence in the world. Mikhail Yuryevich is one of the few classics who laid the foundation for a correct understanding of the mission of the poet and all art.
Analysis of the poem "The Prophet" is completed.