/ / What is a guard? Word meanings and synonyms

What is the guard? Meaning of the word and synonyms

Night, honorable, strengthened, solemn,around the clock, on foot ... So you can list to infinity. But will it help to understand what the guard is? More likely no than yes. Therefore, it is better to ask for help from numerous dictionaries ...

what is the guard

Direct value

What is a guard? First of all, this word.Morphological analysis suggests that, as a noun, it is distinguished by the following features: common noun, inanimate, masculine, second declension. In addition, this lexical unit has not one, but several meanings. Like other multi-valued words, "guard" has both direct and figurative meaning. Let's deal with the first. Our main assistants in this matter will be the following reference editions: “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” edited by Dahl V., “New Dictionary of the Russian Language. Explanatory-word-formation ”edited by Efremova T. F. and“ Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian language ”, authors Ozhegov S. I., Shvedova N. Yu.

So, to the question, what is a guard, givenLinguistic researchers are unambiguously responding with minor amendments: the guards, a group of armed men, assigned to guard something or someone. In the meaning of “guard”, “guard” is used in such combinations as “garrison guard”, “guard of honor”, ​​“change guard”, “set guard” and others.

guardians of the word

Secondary values

The meaning of the word that originated fromsource is called portable. Open the dictionary and find what the guard under the number "two" - the duties of the guard, duty, state. In the meaning of “fasting”, “guard” is used in the following expressions: “take someone under guard”, “carry guard”, “stand on guard”.

However, there is a value under the number "three" -place of detention. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin has lines on this topic: "He is beautifully freezing at the parade, and he is getting ready to warm himself." In the lexeme of interest to us, the transfer of the name from one object to another occurred on the basis of similarity, that is, metaphorical transfer, and adjacency - a metonymic figurative meaning.

Cry for help

Russian writer Sergey Lukyanenko, ourcontemporary, says this kind of phrase: “There is some dark freedom that frees a person, first of all, from himself, from his conscience. If you feel emptiness inside and any absence of pain, shout “guard”, although it will be too late ... ”. What kind of cry is that? It turns out that in all dictionaries there is also a value under the number "four" - an exclamation, a desperate cry calling for help. This is what the famous prose writer had in mind.

synonym for the word guard


Лексема «караулы» (значение слова следует далее) - is not native Russian. It is borrowed from the Turkic and Mongolian languages, which are essentially close relatives. Russian linguist Sergei Anatolyevich Starostin argues that the Mongolian language should be considered the starting point, although recurring borrowing is possible. In other words, at first the Mongolian lexeme “Karau”, “Kara” (watch) passed into the Turkic “Kara” (watch), and then was transformed into a “guard” (sentry) and again moved across the border to the Mongols in that same form.

The lexical units of the Turkic "Karak" - the eye,“Karala, karys, karai” - to look, look intently, observe, care, undoubtedly, had their influence on the further transformation of the word. The data cited are taken from the Indo-European Etymological Dictionary, created on the basis of research by Starostin S. A. The Tower of Babel.

Synonym for the word "guard"

According to the above, the studied lexicalunit is a multi-valued unit of language. Therefore, for each value has its own synonyms. Before listing them, you need to remember what a synonym is.

In linguistics, the science of language, under synonymsit is customary to understand such words, which relate mostly to the same part of speech, have similar meanings, but differ in their spelling and sound. For example, kindness - humanity, complacency, gentleness; castle - palace, fortress.

Какой синоним к слову «караул» в значении "Armed unit, exhibited for the protection of someone or something"? There are several of them: guards, guards, patrol, custodians. Synonyms for the word being analyzed in a figurative sense - “an exclamation, a call for help” - are such lexemes as “cry, help, save, sos”. Another reference book, the Dictionary of Russian Synonyms by N. Abramov, containing more than three hundred thousand words and expressions, helped to find this kind of information.

Set expressions

Analysis of the lexeme "guards" (the meaning of the word we lookabove) will be considered incomplete, if you do not turn your eyes to such a linguistic phenomenon as phraseology. Indeed, there are quite a few phraseological turns that include the considered lexical unit. Among them, the most interesting and frequently used are the expressions “at least shout the guard”, “hold the guard” and “guard board”. They have all the main features of a phraseological unit, namely, stability, the integrity of the combination of two or more components, as well as the presence of a single meaning that is not related to the meaning of each word in it.

security guard

The above examples of phrases areholistic, stable and have the same meaning: “at least shout the guard” - a difficult, hopeless situation, “keep the guard” - guard something, sit on the clock, “guard board” - an outdated turn associated with the duty of the watchman to beat her with a beater.

security guard

Popular expression

Speaking of the guard, it is impossible not to mention onewinged expression - "Helped tired!". Its authorship is attributed to sailor Zheleznyak, who actively participated in the dispersal of the Constituent Assembly in January 1918. According to historical data, early in the morning the sailor entered the spacious, brightly lit hall of the palace where the meeting was held, walked past numerous rows, boldly took the podium and firmly asked the speaker and all those present to stop the meeting, arguing that the guard was tired. This application was refused, shouting and violently indignant. But Zheleznyak continued the pressure, arguing that the workers didn’t need any chatter, and reiterated his historical phrase: “Surely weary!”. Since then, it has firmly entrenched in the phraseological dictionary as a phrase-symbol of an armed uprising.

guard sentry

Official terminology

Now is the time to turn to encyclopedias,namely, to the world famous Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron, the Great Soviet Encyclopedia and the Military Encyclopedia. When asked what security is, guard, they reveal the essence of the term.

During the days of Tsarist Russia, the army had guardsCorporal, non-commissioned officers and officers. Today in the Russian army there are other units. First of all, it is an internal or ship guard, which is engaged in the protection of objects inside a military town or a ship.

There is also a garrison guard.This is a temporary formation, designed to defend the objects of the garrison. In addition, there are visiting, temporary and honor guard. The first and second are organized to protect military goods or convicts during their transportation, i.e. outside the territory of the military unit. And, finally, the last species is a company formed to protect historical sites, objects of state importance, to meet honored guests from foreign countries and to pay military honors.