As a rule, the meaning of the word "veteran" is inextricably linked in consciousness with the war. And it is right. But this interpretation is by no means the only one. Consider today the meaning of the word, its synonyms and examples.

According to the explanatory dictionary, the object of research has two meanings:
- An old, experienced warrior, a member of the past war.By the way, the word belongs to a high style, and we use it so often that we already forgot about it. Example: "Veteran of the Great Patriotic War".
- The one who gave many years of any work, activities. For example: "Ignashevich - a veteran of CSKA."
It should also be said that usually veterans call people successful in their field. This is quite logical, as mediocrity could hardly hold out for a long time.
Despite the fact that the word is good and evensublime, it is not very fond of those to whom it is addressed (the remark is valid with respect to the second value). Probably, because the meaning of the word "veteran" unambiguously hints at the past tense and age. Especially painful women react to the fact that they are in any activity for a long time. The stealing time brings sad thoughts almost automatically, there's nothing you can do, and military veterans are indifferent to the noun. In their case, such an appeal is only a statement of fact.
Sometimes, despite the simplicity of the word, it is difficult tofirst time to understand the meaning. In order to consolidate success and knowledge, words-replacements are needed. Here is a list of those who with honor can replace today's research object:
- soldier;
- warrior;
- retiree;
- dock;
- aksakal;
- elder;
- patriarch.
As it is not difficult to understand, the first three words refer directly to military practice, and the rest to almost any work or activity.
Может быть, читатель при рассмотрении значения the words "veteran" will protest against the definition of "dock," but you will agree that if a person has not learned anything in the profession for 20 or 30 years, then the price is worthless to him. We focus only on the best.
Young veterans, is it possible?

Yes, that's right, the noun seems to be quitecommon but aware that this is a high book style word. We will return to him former glory and respect. Of course, now the "veteran" is associated primarily with the Great Patriotic War, which is already perceived by many as a historical relic. But as a sign of respect it is necessary to understand that in the meaning of the word "veteran" there is almost a sacral meaning. But let's digress from the military theme and talk a little about something else.
As a rule, when we think of a veteran, then beforein our mind’s eye stands the experienced noble old man. But sometimes a veteran is a man in his early thirties, for example, in football. It is known that a sports career is transient, and professionals end up playing 32 or 34. There are, of course, long-lived people, like everywhere else. Buffon comes to mind, he is now 39, and he will play at least another season, that is, he will finish at 40. And by the way, this kind of aksakals approach the second lexical meaning of the word "veteran". But even 40 years old, according to everyday ideas, is not age.