The thrill is, perhaps, the most amazinga feeling that a person can experience. Its nature can not be uniquely determined. True, the word "trembling" has another meaning. Consider the word in all subtleties.

The meaning that can express a word is not diverse and fits into two meanings:
- Weak flicker or oscillation (light or eyelashes).
- A feeling similar to fear or fear. Any strong excitement is expressed in the same way.
So it is written in the dictionary.But we believe that the dictionary conveys only the general meaning of the word and ignores the shades. Indeed, when it comes to someone trembling before someone, for example, the younger brother trembles before the elder, then fear is implied. But after all, awe is a more complex feeling than mere excitement or fear. There are always positive and negative features in it.
Let us give an example.The student trembles at the exam: on the one hand, he is very worried, but on the other hand, he anticipates the end of his efforts, it does not matter whether they last the whole semester or one night. And in the event that a boy or a girl was not preparing, they absorb the abyss of fear, and there is no enthusiasm there. Thrill is an amazing feeling that can not be immediately deciphered.
It must be said that for the "physical" meaning of the word, it is easy to pick up an analogue. Harder with portable. But let's start with a simpler task.
- Flicker.
- Wobble.
- Trembling.
With portable value is more difficult, because there are no complete analogs. But you can replace it in some cases like this:
- fear;
- fear;
- light horror;
- excitement;
- mandrake;
- anticipation.
When it came to the student, it is clear that in hisfeelings are dominated by negative tones. Hardly anyone admires the exams, even Hermione Granger can not boast a special love for checking her knowledge, although it would seem that she had something to worry about. By the way, information for reflection: you know, why did Leo Tolstoy leave the university? He was humiliated by the procedure of examinations. So the count left the case. However, we again got distracted, and after all the most interesting. Consider the option, when trembling prevails positive emotions.
When a man is in love, he is thrilled byrelation to the girl. You can not say that he is afraid of her? Although the element of fear in feeling is present. If we are talking about love, then trembling is a complex complex of many feelings and it is extremely difficult to understand which of them is the most important.

The list of thrillers
It would seem, where are the films, the speech about the language?Yes, but the thing is that the genre got its name from the English word thrill - awe, excitement. So, the films of this absolutely marvelous genre can be used as an example-illustration or stimulant for those who have never experienced such anticipation, anticipation associated with fear, (suddenly there are such). So, the five movies (choice is arbitrary):
- "Silence of the Lambs" (1990).
- The Seven (1995).
- The Sixth Sense (1999).
- "The Game" (1997).
- "The Island of the Damned" (2009).
Now the reader knows exactly what trembling is:meaning of the word, its synonyms, as well as films that can give a pleasant, tickling nerves, feeling. If you do not like movies, go to the exam and remember this pleasant excitement mixed in equal or unequal proportions with fear of error.