/ / What is this? Meaning and Synonyms

Otorova - what is this? Meaning of the word and synonyms

The language changes all the time, and life throws upus new buzzwords. It cannot be said that the definition of “tear” is a legacy of the 19th century and can be found in the works of Dostoevsky, right? For those who are not in the know of new linguistic folk tastes, we will analyze this amazing word.


In Russian, as in any other language, there are manywonderful expressions that can not just beautify, but to color it absolutely exactly. The vocabulary of many people now is not replete with flowers. Why not use the word "tear"? This is a good option for those who want to hit or shock others. But in order not to get into an uncomfortable situation, you need to know the meaning. Values ​​are only two.

  • The girl of cheerful disposition to uncontrollability.Naturally, this is not a positive characteristic. Such a person is not the most stable moral standards. Simply put, a girl is easily provoked to antisocial behavior. And she does not suffer from the pangs of conscience.
  • Another so called person is capricious, resolute, impetuous, who does not look back on public foundations.

tear it off

It is impossible to point out gender injusticewhich the reader probably noticed. If we are talking about a woman, when they say "tear off" - this is a negative characteristic, and when about a man, it means something neutral or even positive. The task of modern people is to clear the language of hidden sexism.


If you know the value, it is not so difficult to find a replacement. Adjectives and nouns are best suited. The latter are:

  • Rebel.
  • Hooligan

More adjectives, here they are:

  • Desperate.
  • Unmanaged.
  • Reckless.
  • Cheeky
  • In a certain context - immoral.

tearing away the meaning of the word

We also remember that we must fight against archaisms and sexism in the language, so if you need to characterize a man in this way, then simply replace the endings.

For your information: we consider the definition of “tear”: the meaning of the word and its synonyms. Go to the example.

"Accident", the cop's daughter, she is still upset

Those who have not seen, we recommend to watch the movie. An instructive film for teenagers who consider themselves cool and whose hobby is to test the nerves of their parents.

The plot is simple: there is a girl - Valeria Nikolaev.She is informal, and her father serves in the police. Relations for them do not add up for obvious reasons: the girl is shaking the foundations of society, which are already barely kept in the late 80s of the 20th century in the USSR, and the pope is called to maintain at least some kind of order.

As a result, a radical protest is nothing good forValerie does not end, and her father has to rescue her. Otherwise, watch the movie. On the one hand, it is possible to enrich themselves with some kind of cultural material and consolidate the knowledge of what it is like (it will not do any harm) in a visual way.