M.Yu.Lermontov wrote a poem "I went out alone on the road" in 1841 shortly before the fatal duel. The entire last period of the poet's creativity is permeated with reflections on life. In his poems, he seems to rethink life values and summarizes. But when analyzing “I go out alone on the road,” Lermontov should note one feature. The poem differs from the rest of the poet's works in that it is not gloomy, not permeated with sadness, but, on the contrary, its lines “breathe” with tranquility.
Of course, it also traces the main idea- This is a reflection on life and debriefing. But it is permeated with light sadness and regret that there were not any very important and significant events in the life of the poet. Below is the analysis of "I go out alone on the road" of Lermontov.

Composition of the poem
The work is divided into two parts.The beginning of the poem is the description of the night nature, which is beautiful in its silent calm. Everything breathes peace and harmony. The most simple description, there are no high mountains or endless fields. But despite this simplicity, the description of the night landscape is majestic.
The second part of the poem "Go out on the road"Lermontov is devoted to the feelings of the hero. But these two parts are opposed to each other. If the first breathes peace, the second is full of anxiety, doubt and despair. This is due to the fact that there is no harmony in a person. The hero of the poem asks questions that cannot be answered.
But the end of the work becomes similar to the beginning: the same harmony and calm appear in it. This shows the hero's desire to become one with nature.

Mood Poem
During the analysis of "I go out on the road" Lermontovneed to highlight the motives that permeated the work. The first stanzas clearly trace the theme of loneliness, the constant search for peace and harmony. The road here symbolizes the life of the hero. But the way of the lyrical character is different in that he is difficult and "siliceous".
In the poem "I go out on the road" feltand some anxiety, uncertainty, uncertainty about the future. The hero is in search of answers to questions about why his soul is so anxious. Why does he regret his life? Initially, the hero tries to find an answer from heaven, and then turns to his inner world.
At the end of the poem, the theme of the past andof the future. The hero reflects on death. He says that he would like to sleep in order to find peace in his soul. And this dream is not disturbing or gloomy, but, on the contrary, bright and beautiful. And everything in this dream speaks of love and beauty. It turns out that this conversation is not about death, but about life, which will bring peace to the lyric hero.

Means of expression
При анализе "Выхожу один я на дорогу" Лермонтова it is also necessary to consider what literary methods the poet used to convey all that he felt and reflect this in his creation. To do this, apply metaphors and impersonations, so beloved by poets.
But to convey uncertainty, despair andemotional excitement, Lermontov uses rhetorical questions to which he tries to find an answer, but cannot. To enhance the effect of the poet turns to inversion. And to give the work of lyricism and melodiousness, the author writes with the help of assonances and alliteration, which creates a sense of sincere night talk.
Rhythm poem
Одним из важных пунктов анализа "Выхожу один я на the way is the analysis of his rhythm and rhyme. The rhythm is determined by the presence of pauses that allow the line to be divided into two parts. The poem is philosophical in its style, but it does not sound abstract, on the contrary, it is imbued with a lyrical mood. And all the questions that the hero asks , find a response in the soul of the reader.
"I go out alone on the road" is written by a pentametertrochee, where the "male" and "female" rhymes alternate, and the rhyme itself - cross. This all allows you to give a smooth and musical poem. This melody attracted composers who created beautiful romances.

What is the place of the poem in the works of Lermontov
This work sums up everything thatmade a poet. Despite the detached state of Lermontov at that period, his work is filled with a bright expectation of peace and tranquility. In it, Mikhail Yuryevich shows how, through the wilds of doubt and anxiety, the hero finds composure. And the image of oak and nature shows that people will always live in their affairs and in the memory of other people.
Items for the analysis of the poem
- Title of the work and the author.
- History of creation or interesting facts from the life of the poet.
- Evaluation of the place works in the works of the author.
- Determination of the literary trend to which the poem refers (if possible).
- Identification of the theme of the work, the assessment of the development of the plot.
- The main idea of the poem.
- Analysis of the mood of the work.
- Analysis of the image and feelings of the lyrical hero.
- Definition of poem composition.
- Emphasis on literary techniques and vocabulary used by the author in the work.
- Definition of the genre of the poem.
- You can finish the analysis with a small personal assessment of the work.
Analysis "I go out alone on the road" Lermontovis important not only to appreciate the beauty of the poem. It helps to better understand the poet. Find out what he felt in that period shortly before the duel. While reading the poem, the reader, along with the hero, tries to find answers to the questions. This poem is a monologue of the hero, filled with a philosophical lyrical mood.