Lermontov's late lyrics are filled with the deepestfeeling lonely In almost every line, there is the desire of the lyrical hero to finally find a soul mate, to know what true love is. The poem "I go out alone I am on the road" - one of the most recent. Its author wrote already in 1841, on the eve of his death.
The analysis of the poem “I Go Out Alone on the Road” should be carried out in the context of Lermontov’s entire work, for, in fact, his lyrics are a detailed poetic diary.

To analyze any poetic text,you must follow the plan. First, the theme and idea of the work should be defined. Secondly, you need to pay attention to the history of the creation of the text, dedication to someone. You also need to define the genre and other formal features, such as size, rhyme, rhythm. The penultimate stage of the analysis of the poem is the search for means of expression and a characteristic of the style and language of the work. And in the final part of the analysis, you should express your attitude to the text, describe what feelings and emotions it causes. A qualitative analysis of the poem "I go out alone I am on the road" should be carried out in the form of an essay or essay, rather than simply listing the characteristic features of the text point by point.

Theme and idea of the work
Poem belongs to the category of philosophicallyrics The theme of it is human life, its meaning. In the center of the image are the emotional experiences of the lyrical hero. He himself asks questions about his life, what was bad and good, what else is waiting for him. The idea of the poem is that a lonely person, who is a lyrical hero, finds peace only when he unites with nature. His cherished dream is to find peace in which life would be concealed in all its colors and manifestations.
Genre features and other features of the text
Анализ стихотворения "Выхожу один я на дорогу" confirms that it belongs to the genre of lyric poem. Meditative character brings him closer to elegy. The lines of the piece sound smooth and melodious. The poetic size chosen by Lermontov is a five-foot trochee. Long lines give the text a special sound. In each stanza, the author uses cross-rhyme, alternating between male and female.

Semantic analysis of the poem "I go out alone on the road" (briefly). Means of artistic expression
Poem M.YU. Lermontov provides extensive fields for analysis, because it is full of meanings and symbols, the language of the work is very peculiar, rich and rich in means of poetic expression.
First stanza
Immediately in the first stanza of the textthe motive of loneliness begins to sound. The numeral "one" is found in many poems of the poet, and it is intended to show that on Earth, besides himself, there is no one else, no soul mate. The last two lines of this stanza sound very beautifully, showing that, unlike the soul of a lyrical hero, beauty and harmony reign in the world. If there was no harmony in the poet’s early poetry even in nature, now the world appears before him (and before the reader) as a whole. The moon illuminates his way, the earth sleeps in the radiance of the heavens, and the stars communicate with each other. In order to enhance the effect of what has been said, the author uses a bright personification: "The desert hears God / And the star with the star speaks." Significant is the image of the desert that occurs at the beginning of the work. The world is huge, and it is open to the hero.
The second stanza
In the second stanza the lyrical hero conductsthe parallel between your feelings and what is happening in the world. Again the personification of nature: "Sleeping earth." The harmony of nature, its balance is opposed to what is in the soul of the poet. No, there is no storm, as it was in the early lyrics. Now there is as calm as in the surrounding world of nature, but it is “painful and difficult” for him. The rhetorical questions addressed to oneself reinforce the psychological component of the poem. Analysis of the poem "I Go Out Alone on the Road" by Lermontov confirms that later lyrics are much more tragic than youthful ones. After all, the hero does not defy society and the world, he just begins to realize that he does not expect anything more from life. It is the image of the road that makes you think about your past and future lyrical hero.
Third stanza
Here the poet is completely immersed in his "I".It is very important to follow the composition of the work, the mood changes, the movement of the poet’s thoughts. Therefore, it is better to carry out exactly the constructional analysis of the poem "I Am Leaving I Alone on the Road." Lermontov in the third stanza of his work again turns to himself, many parallels can be drawn with the earlier poems of the poet. Nothing waiting, not regretting the past, he finally wants peace. But in his early work the lyrical hero wanted a "storm", trying to find peace in her. What has changed now? Practically nothing, but we will know about it only in the fourth stanza. In the meantime, the poet’s freedom is presented only as oblivion and sleep.

Fourth stanza
Here the author gives an idea that forhe has a perfect existence. Lermontov skillfully focuses on his requirements for sleep, using the anaphora in the last lines. Analysis of the poem "I go out alone on the road" (namely, the fourth stanza) proves that only minor changes occurred in the poet.
The fifth stanza
The final of the work completes the picture of the idealexistence for the poet. Around him - the pacifying nature, and he hears a pleasant voice, singing to him about love. This is what Lermontov lacked throughout his life. Peace, in which there would be a movement, and life itself in its main manifestation - love. These words can complete the analysis of the poem "I go out alone I am on the road." Lermontov was able to contain in a few stanzas the results of all his poetic creativity and express his ideas about the ideal life. Nature, love, poetry — all this for the author was a necessary component of life (this is what makes him related to Pushkin).

Analysis of the poem "I go out alone on the road" M.Yu. Lermontov will not be complete, if not to say that the work contains both stunning pictures of nature, and deep philosophical thoughts, and a stylistic verified poetic language.