/ / The motive of loneliness in the lyrics of Lermontov. The theme of loneliness in the lyrics of M.Yu. Lermontov

The motive of loneliness in Lermontov's lyrics. The theme of loneliness in the lyrics of M.Yu. Lermontov

The motive of loneliness in the lyrics of Lermontov passesby refrain through all works. First of all, it is connected with the biography of the poet, who left an imprint on his world view. He lost his mother early, his relationship with his father did not work out. The only close person was a grandmother - Elizaveta Arsenyev, who didn’t like much in little Misha. Already in childhood, Lermontov realized that he was different from those around him. Throughout his short life the poet was lonely. The motive of loneliness in the lyrics of M.Yu. Lermontov is not only the subject of his work, but also a state of mind.

motive of solitude in the lyric poetry of Lermontov

"Poet of a completely different era"

So called the poet Belinsky, comparing with A.S.Pushkin. Already in the early lyric poetry of Lermontov, the leading motives of his work appear: poetic electing, entailing a lonely existence. But he understands that he cannot change anything, so he accepts a kind of exile voluntarily. “I'm used to loneliness,” admits the lyrical hero, who is so much like Lermontov himself.

На характер поэта повлияло и время, в которое он lived and worked. The war with Napoleon, the uprising of the Decembrists - these events were deposited in the memory not only of Lermontov, but of all his contemporaries. So, in the poem “Duma” the poet concludes that pessimistic moods are characteristic of the entire generation. The lyrical hero is a tired, surrounded by a crowd, but a lonely person. He is worried about inaction, the indifference of people to public life.

The motive of loneliness in the lyrics of M.Yu. Lermontov (material "Sail")

the theme of loneliness in the lyrics of y lermontov

The famous "Sail" poet wrote at the age of seventeen.The soil for him became the personal experiences of the young Lermontov. Because of the conflict with the professor, the poet had to leave Moscow University and, at the insistence of his grandmother, move to Petersburg for admission to the cadets' school. Experiences of the poet about the future formed the basis of the poem. Images of the sea, storms, sails accompany the motives of grief and loneliness in the lyric poetry of Lermontov, especially in early works. Lyrical hero can be described as rebellious and lonely. That was exactly what the poet himself, who had been looking for the storm all his life.

Alone in the crowd

Clever and educated Lermontov hard to agree withby people. He saw his dissimilarity from others as a child. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, he was a direct, caustic, secretive man, so he was often disliked and even hated. Lermontov suffered greatly from the impossibility of being understood.

the motive of loneliness in the lyrics of y y lermontov

So, in the poem “How often, a motley crowdsurrounded ... "he paints a society of soulless people devoid of human warmth. A fake, limited crowd oppresses the lyrical hero, he realizes that he does not belong here. Dreamily, he draws the image of the beloved. Unfortunately, he realizes that this is all a hoax, and he is still alone.

The motive of solitude in the lyric poetry of Lermontov also sounds inthe work "I Go Out Alone on the Road ...", which he wrote three months before his death. In it, the poet philosophically sums up his life, reflects on death. “Waiting for what? / Do you regret anything? ”Asks the lyrical hero. He dreams to fall asleep sweetly under an oak tree, enjoying the singing of his beloved.

The poet anticipates his quick tragic deathand in the “Prophet” poem written a few weeks before his death. Lermontov does not leave the feeling of grief, he is full of despair, he does not believe in the recognition of descendants, the value of his work. He compares himself to a prophet who is destined to be persecuted and misunderstanding others.

The love suffering reflected in the poet's lyrics

It is known that Lermontov had no luck in love.The poet's strongest affection, the image of which remained to live on the pages of the works and in the lines of poems - charming Varenka Lopukhina - became a foreign wife. Complex relationships tied them up to the death of the poet, the news of which finally broke Barbara. She outlived her lover by just ten years. He was looking for the features of Lopukhina in other women.

Another poet’s muse, Ekaterina Sushkova, is onlyplayed with his feelings, however, like Natalya Ivanova, who cheated on him. It is not surprising that the theme of loneliness in the lyrics of M.Yu. Lermontov is especially clearly seen in love poems.

"We are accidentally brought together by fate" - the firsta work addressed to Varenka Lopukhina. Already in it sounds the motive of separation, the impossibility of happiness and mutual love. In the poem “The Pauper” the motive of loneliness in the lyric poetry of Lermontov is caused by unshared feelings. The work was written in 1830 and is related to the early work of the poet. In the poem, Lermontov compares himself to a beggar, who was given stones in his hand instead of begging. Such were the relationship of the poet with Catherine Sushkova, which formed the basis of the work.

A cycle of poems dedicated to Natasha Ivanova,- The story of unrequited love and bitter disappointment. “I am not worthy, perhaps, of / Your love,” the author appeals to her. "No, not you so ardently I love ..." - writes the poet shortly before his death. To whom this poem is dedicated is not fully established.

Loneliness or freedom?

the motive of solitude in the lyric poetry of ly Lermontov material sail

Motives of loneliness, longing for freedom in the lyrics of M.Y. Lermontov - central in the poem "Clouds". It was written in 1840, on the eve of the poet’s second reference to the Caucasus. The images of clouds, waves and clouds symbolize freedom, which is so lacking in the lyrical hero. He compares himself to the clouds, with irony calls them "exiles." Freedom and loneliness in the work of the poet can not exist without each other. Thus, in the poem “Desire”, the hero yearns for temporary freedom, and in “The Prisoner” she becomes the only goal.

"In the north, it is wildly lonely ..."

Lermontov never did translations, howeverin the winter of 1841, shortly before his death, he made several translations of a poem by the German poet Heinrich Heine, which were included in the Lyric Cycle. We know this work as “In the north, it is lonely wild ...”. The motive of loneliness in the lyric poetry of Lermontov is especially clearly felt in it. We know that because of the difficult nature of the poet did not understand and did not accept. And he so wanted warmth, support for a loved one.

motives of loneliness longing for freedom in the lyric poetry of m Lermontov

The image of a pine growing in the far northpersonifies the thoughts and moods of Lermontov himself. In a lonely tree, the poet recognized himself. However, he did not lose hope of meeting a true friend - in his poem, his prototype was a palm tree growing in the south and as lonely as a pine tree.

Instead of concluding

The theme of loneliness in the lyrics of M.Yu.Lermontov replaced the bright poetry of A.S. Pushkin. The poet struggled all his life with the outside world and suffered deeply from the fact that he was not understood. Mental experiences are reflected in his work, permeated with longing and sorrow.

motives of grief and loneliness in the lyric poetry of Lermontov

Pushkin's love is bright, inspiringfeeling, and in Lermontov it is inseparable from sadness and pain. So, the writer and critic Dmitry Merezhkovsky called Alexander Sergeyevich day, and Mikhail Yuryevich called the night star of our poetry.

Thoughts and views of Lermontov were new and incomprehensiblefor Russia, so it was difficult for him to find like-minded people. He was twice sent to exile, the poems were subjected to strict censorship. But despite all this, the poet fought, directly expressed his feelings and thoughts, while consciously condemning himself to loneliness.