/ / The word "longer": synonyms, antonyms and analysis of the word. How to spell the word "longer"?

The word "longer": synonyms, antonyms and parsing words. How do you spell the word "longer"?

What part of speech does the word “longer” refer to?The answer to this question you will learn from the materials of this article. In addition, we will tell you about how to disassemble such a lexical unit according to its composition, what kind of synonym can be replaced, and so on.

word is longer

General information

How to spell the word "longer", knowsalmost everyone. But not everyone knows what part of speech it refers to. In connection with this, we suggest starting our article by clarifying exactly this issue.

Determine the part of speech

To determine which part of the speechthe word "longer" should put it in the initial form - "long." Next, you need to ask the appropriate question: "what?" - long. Therefore, this is an adjective. But here a new question arises: why does the word “longer” end not in –th, –th or –th, but on –she? This requires remembering the peculiarities of adjectives.

Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives

All qualitative adjectives have such a non-permanent morphological feature as degrees of comparison. From the school curriculum we know that in Russian there are two degrees:

  • comparative;
  • excellent

Let us consider them in more detail.

how to spell the word longer

Superior degree

Such a sign indicates the smallest or greatest degree of manifestation of a sign (for example, the highest mountain) or a very small or large degree of manifestation of a sign (for example, the kindest person).

Of particular note is the superlativeadjectives are formed by adding the suffixes -eish- or -aish- to the main word, prefixing the most, as well as additional lexical units “most”, “most”, “least”, “all” or “total”.

As we found out above, the word “longer” is the nameadjective. However, it is not worthy of a superlative degree, since it does not contain the suffixes —eish- or -aish-, the prefixes — as well as the additional lexical units “most”, “most”, “least”, “all” or “total ".


Such a sign of adjectives indicatesa greater or lesser degree of an object compared to another (for example, Masha is higher than Sasha; this lake is deeper than this) or this object, but in a different circumstance (Masha is higher than it was the year before last; in this place the lake is deeper , rather than in that).

Следует отметить, что сравнительная степень formed from the basis of adjectives using such suffixes as -she / -zhe -she (-s) and -e (for example, higher, faster, earlier, deeper), prefixes (for example, newer), as well as from other bases (for example, good - better, bad - worse) or additional lexical units (more or less).

synonym word longer

From the foregoing, it is safe to say that the word “longer” is an adjective to a comparative degree. It is composed of the base "long" and the suffix "her."

How do you spell the word “longer”?

How to spell such a word, knows almosteach. Although some people while making it can still make a mistake. For example, the following expression is often found in a letter: “Let's see who has a longer nose.” This is the wrong spelling of the word. After all, it should be used only with two letters "n". In order to prove this statement, we present the corresponding rule of the Russian language.

Слово «длиннее» образуется от начальной формы the adjective "long." As you can see, it has two letters "n". Indeed, in turn, such a lexical unit originated from the noun “length” with the help of the suffix –n-. Consequently, both “long” and “longer” are written only with a double “n”. Let's give a clear example:

  • Her dress is longer than mine.
  • She is much longer than her friend.
  • Longer route I have not met in my life.
  • It was so long that it barely fit in the car.
    how do you spell a word longer

By the way, in such a lexical unit somepeople question and spell the letter "and." For example, often in the text you can find the word "longer." How to check it in this case? To do this, apply the rule that applies to unstressed vowels in the root of the word. That is, it is required to choose such a test word in the presented lexical unit, in which the doubtful letter will be in the shock position. For example, “for DlinInny.” As you can see, the letter “and” in this word is under stress. Therefore, it will be correct "longer."

Morphemic word analysis

Quite often, teachers ask their students.make a word analysis on the composition. “Longer” is a lexical unit that is rather problematic to subject to morphemic analysis. However, we have examined above how exactly such a word is formed. That is why it is not difficult to disassemble it according to its composition.

So, let's make a morphemic analysis of the adjective “longer”, which costs comparatively:

  • We define the ending. In this case, it is zero.
  • We define the prefix. In our case, the prefix is ​​missing.
  • Define the suffix. The comparative suffix in this word is -ee-. There is also a suffix –n- that belongs to the base.
  • Determine the root. The root of this word is “lengths”.
  • Determine the basis. The basis of the adjective "longer" - "long."
    the antonym to the word is longer

We select a synonym

Synonyms in the Russian language call the words of the same part of speech, which are different in writing and sound, but have a similar lexical meaning. Let's give a clear example:

  • small - small;
  • large - large;
  • beautiful - beautiful;
  • ugly - scary;
  • want - desire;
  • talk - chat;
  • big - huge;
  • create - create;
  • a thing is an object;
  • die - perish;
  • hold - grab;
  • cold - not warm;
  • slow - slow and so on.

Thus, a synonym for the word “longer” should be an adjective and, if possible, stand in a comparative degree. For example:

  • longer - elongated;
  • longer - longer;
  • longer - stretched;
  • longer - longer;
  • longer - higher;
  • longer - lingering and so on.

However, it should be noted that synonyms to thisthe word should be chosen so that in the context they look natural. After all, it would be a mistake if you say: “It is longer than it,” since it is necessary to say: “It is higher than it.”

We select antonyms

Antonyms in the Russian language are the words of one and the part of speech, which are different in writing and sound, but have directly opposite lexical meanings.

analysis of the word in composition is longer
Let's give an illustrative example:

  • true False;
  • handsome - ugly;
  • talk - be silent;
  • cold - hot;
  • long short;
  • frosty - hot;
  • big small;
  • fast - slow;
  • run - stand;
  • kind angry;
  • high Low;
  • bad - good and so on.

So, let's try to find an antonym for the word “longer”:

  • longer - shorter;
  • longer - less.

Similarly, you can pick up synonyms and antonyms to the initial form of the adjective "long." For example: tall, long, elongated and short, concise, brief and so on.