/ / Junction, control, coordination - types of subordinate communication

Adjunction, management, coordination - types of subordinate communication

Types of subordinate connection of words in a sentence orThere are three types of combinations: junction, control, coordination. Each type has its own characteristics and features, which are simply necessary to distinguish. It is worth noting that one of the tasks on the Unified State Exam in part "B" is a task to determine this type, or to search for the right phrases of a certain type.

contiguity management approval

Coordination, control, junction: rule

Итак, все три типа подчинительной связи adapt to one general rule: to determine the type of word connection in a phrase, first you need to determine the main word and ask a question from the addict, then determine the part of the speech of the main word. That is what requires excellent knowledge of independent and service parts of speech. Coordination, junction, control is a kind of foundation for the correct construction of speech and text. Knowledge of this framework will help to successfully cope with advanced tasks in the Unified State Exam.

Junction, control, coordination

So negotiation is a type of subordinatecommunication, the main word in which is a noun, and the dependent is always in the same case, gender and number. Consequently, when the main word changes, the dependent one also changes. Dependent words can be pronouns, adjectives, participles or numerals. For example: on the seventh floor, good news, near my car.

reconciliation control junction rule

Management is a type of subordinate relationship whenThe main word is the manager for the addict. In such situations, the main word is, as a rule, the verb, however, there are cases when the dependent word is governed by a noun or a participle. It is very important not to confuse the types of communication with the main adverbs and participles. For example: think about the book, the girl from the city, coming home. It is worth noting that the phrase "no rain" will also apply to management.

Connection, control, coordination - these are threewhale, on which the basis of correct and harmonious speech. The third and last type of connection is a junction, in which the main word is the unchangeable part of speech. In such situations, words are connected only by meaning, but they do not have common grammatical features. As a rule, such a word would be an adverb or infinitive. The main feature is the fact that the main word can be a possessive pronoun. This is what causes particular difficulty. An example is the following phrases: his dog, quickly came, it is impossible to teach.

matching adjoining management

Connection, control, coordination are typessubordinate connection. Define it easily enough. The main thing is to ask the right question and determine the honor of the speech of the main word. You should also know a few subtleties of this rule, such as the type of connection with a possessive pronoun and the presence of the word "no." Knowledge of this rule will help on the Unified State Exam, since the task for determining the type of communication is in the block of tasks with a higher level.