/ / Sentence suggestion. Examples from the literature

A sentence with the word "contempt". Examples from the literature

What is contempt? It's already not easy hostility but also not open hatred. Our article will contain sentences with the word "contempt". In the literature of examples of the use of this noun is found many. The following sentences with the word "contempt" taken from the novels and novels of Russian writers.

sentence with the word contempt


What is contempt?The meaning of this word is not easy to explain. This is a kind of hate mixed with a sense of superiority. You can, of course, try to find the synonyms for this word. But none of them will be able to convey a special feeling that sometimes a person experiences in relation to another person or phenomenon. Is it possible to replace this noun with such as "indifference", "ignoring", "neglect"?

"White Guard"

Sentences with the word "contempt" in prosethere are many. But the authors do not always use it to describe the feelings of man. After all, the writer uses the diversity of the literary language in full, and therefore "contempt" and the words single-root to it have sometimes quite unexpected semantic shade.

For example, in the “White Guard” Bulgakov there is a scene in which Talberg announces Alexey and Nikolay Turbin about his departure soon.The main characters of a relative do not like it, but when they learn about his desire to escape from the city, they begin to feel for him the very feeling we are talking about in the article. The author draws it in a peculiar way: "The watches choked contemptuously: thin tank". Clock - subject inanimateand they cannot feel a sense of dislike or hatred. Using impersonation writer transmits Turbins feelings towards Thalberg.

In another work of Bulgakov, namely in "Dog heart", there is a sentence with the word contempt, in which there are no artistic means. Dog before the operation feels that the caress that Zina demonstrates towards him is insincere, and therefore "looks at her with longing and contempt".

contempt value

"Eugene Onegin"

Several sentences with the word contempt are present in the famous novel in verse. One of these readers is found in Tatiana’s letter. main character recognized in love, realizing that from now on can be punished "contempt". It should be said that Pushkin has this word, as well as related words, quite often. So, it is present in the 11th chapter "Eugene Onegin". As for the adjectives and verbs formed from the noun mentioned, there are many of them in the work. Will give As an example, just a few phrases:

  • worm despicable;
  • cunning despicable;
  • despise the threat;
  • despicable slander.