/ / Ob: the fall of the river and its brief description

Ob: the fall of the river and its brief description

This largest waterway of Russia is bornin Altai, and then carries its waters to the north, to the Kara Sea. In this article you will find a brief description of the Ob River according to plan. In addition, you will also learn how to correctly calculate the drop and slope for any watercourse.

The Ob River: The Kara Sea Basin

The mighty river of Western Siberia flows to the NorthThe Arctic Ocean, taking in a myriad of tributaries of different sizes. As soon as different nationalities did not call her: Kwai, Yeme, Salya-Yam, Ob. The fall of the river, it is worth noting, has a rather low rate. This is explained by the fact that all of it, including the source, is located in the flat areas. Therefore, the elevation differences along the channel are insignificant.

Ob fall of the river

A brief description of the Ob River according to the plan can be presented as follows:

  1. The length and area of ​​the drainage basin.
  2. Etymology of the name.
  3. The main tributaries of the Ob River.
  4. Source and mouth of the watercourse.
  5. Ob: the fall of the river and its slope.
  6. Food and water features.
  7. The organic world of the river.
  8. Navigation and shipping.
  9. Major cities along the river bed.

River Brief

The length of the Ob River is 3,650 km.It collects its waters from a vast area of ​​almost 3 million square kilometers (which, by the way, is more than the territory of Kazakhstan!). Not for nothing, almost all the existing names of this waterway can be translated as "big river". But the word "ob" (modern name) has Iranian roots and is translated as "water." The fact is that for a long time Western Siberia was inhabited by Iranian-speaking tribes, who probably gave the name to this river.

The place where Katun and Biya merge is consideredObi source. And she carries her waters into the Kara Sea. At the same time, the river forms a vast delta, which ends at the Ob Bay. The main tributaries of the Ob: Irtysh, Vasyugan, Wah, Ket, Chulym. It is interesting to note that the Irtysh even exceeds the length of the Ob itself.

description of the river Ob according to plan

Power Ob - mostly snowy.The flood period (in different parts of the channel) lasts from the beginning of April to the beginning of May. During the spring opening, large ice jams are very often observed on the river, as a result of which a unique situation can be observed in the spring. The water level in certain sections of the main river rises temporarily, with the result that some of its tributaries may temporarily change their direction.

Fishery on the river is developed from the most ancienttimes. Perch, pike perch, pike, burbot, roach, sturgeon, sturgeon and crucian carp - this is what you can catch in Ob today. A total of over 50 species of fish now inhabit the river. Half of them are of industrial importance.

The history of navigation on this waterway takesits beginning from the middle of the XIX century. In 1844 the first ship was launched here. By the end of the century, there were already 120 steamboats on the river that made regular passenger flights.

Ob river basin of the Kara Sea

Today, there are 14 cities on the river. The most important river ports are located in Barnaul, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Omsk, Tyumen and Khanty-Mansiysk.

Ob: the fall of the river and its slope

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, the riverflows through the flat expanses of Russia. How can you determine the fall of the Ob River? For this you need to know only two values. First, the absolute height of the mouth (in meters). And secondly, the height of the source point of the Ob River.

Падение реки - это не что иное, как разница absolute heights between the points of its source and mouth. Obviously, this figure is directly dependent on the nature and dissection of the terrain of a particular area. The maximum fall of the river will be characteristic of the rivers of the mountainous regions.

Calculate the slope of any watercourse alsois labor. To do this, you need to know the length of the river, and then divide the value of the fall of the river (in meters) by its total length (in kilometers). Thus, we get a value that actually shows how many meters the river "falls" with each kilometer of its length.

determine the fall of the Ob River

We calculate these figures for Ob.It is known that the absolute height of the source of the river is 164 meters. Since the Ob, in fact, flows into the ocean, the mouth is located at around zero meters. Thus, the total fall of the river is 164 meters.

Now there is nothing easier than to calculate the slope of the Ob.It is necessary to divide 164 meters by the length of the river (3650 km). And we get a value of 4.5 cm / km. In other words, for each kilometer of its length, the channel of the Ob "falls" by 4.5 centimeters.


Ob is the largest river in Siberia, whichregularly carries its waters across the flat expanses of Siberia to the Kara Sea. The length of the river is 3560 kilometers, and its total fall is quite small and is only 164 meters.