/ / Tolerance - what is it? And what can it be?

Tolerance - what is it? And what could it be?

Tolerance - what is it?What is behind this concept today, when it is so often used in modern rhetoric? Often it is associated with the construction of multicultural societies and the associated ethnopolitical problems. Without minimizing the meaning of such questions, it should also be noted that this concept covers a wider range of meanings.

tolerance what is it

Biological tolerance - what is it?

Initially, this term was used exactlybiologists who used it, denoting the corresponding properties of living organisms. Translating the word “tolerate” from the Latin language, we will literally get “patience” and “addiction”. That is what the ability of the immune system to adapt to antigens is called. For some reason, an immune-tolerant organism does not produce antibodies to counteract antigens that have entered its body.

tolerance value

And it should be noted the development of tolerance in thisareas are not always negative. More often, on the contrary, the body does not reproduce antibodies precisely because there is no need for them. For example, the development of the fetus in the maternal organism will never cause rejection in its organism. This is also tolerance, and in this case it is a crucial vital need. Ecologists also use this concept. Tolerance - what is it for them? In this case, the ability of organisms to perceive and survive in a very wide range of climate conditions is implied. Also very important and useful characteristic of the body, is not it?

Social Tolerance - what is it?

And in this sense, the concept is used in a verydifferent planes. It can be applied to people with disabilities, women, sexual minorities. In any case, to any social categories. At the same time, tolerance, the significance of which is most often associated with interethnic problems, has a strongly negative connotation. Modern ultra-right in other states and in the Russian conditions have made great efforts to turn tolerance into an abusive concept, trying to put any argument in its defense by being ridiculous. And yet it must be remembered that tolerance towards members of a different social category, culture, race is the basis for the normal and long-term functioning of any human society.

development of tolerance

And she does not imply anyautomatic submission to inappropriate actions, for example, from national minorities. It often happens that migrants who have been brought up in a completely different system of social relations and values ​​are trying to transfer it to new countries. However, tolerance can in no way be extended to acts that openly contradict local norms. They should not be tolerated or humble at all. Such problems need to be solved in no way by closing the borders - globalization is still a progressive phenomenon that can hardly be stopped. Problems can be quite effectively solved only through the education of these peoples and the pulling up of their socio-economic and cultural development to the level of the advanced societies of the planet.