/ / About who suffered such a thing and whether to use this word in speech

About who suffered this and whether to use the word in speech

Often in modern fiction withdescription of the conversation of criminal elements used thieves' slang - slang, if we use the literary term. It is difficult for an uninitiated person to navigate in this layer of vocabulary. For example, who tolerated such a thing is far from being known to everyone.

who was patient

Common lexical meaning

Practically all the dictionaries to the question of who tolerated such a person, first of all, give the following answer: “victim”. Even offhand, it is clear that the common root of these words is taken into account.

In particular, answering the question of who issuffered in the criminal procedural sense, it is impossible to consider only the person in respect of whom the crime was committed that caused him physical harm. A claimant in a civil case may also fall into this category.

what does the word mean

And they may be a relative of the murdered person, orthe individual from whom the item was stolen. Therefore, it is often possible to get an answer to the question of what the word "tolerated" means, that this is a witness. After all, the victim of the category of the relatives of the victim or the one from whom the thing was stolen or damaged, in court can simultaneously act in this role.

Who suffered in the criminal jargon in the zone

Prisoners often call it that way any person who is unable to stand up for himself, allowing humiliations and various kinds of bullying, both physical and moral, in relation to himself.

who suffered such a blatant jargon

For example: “How long would it be terpily glade covered, but who then punching bag in the family will be?”

However, it should be terpily distinguished from the sucker.The latter demolishes everything silently, without being indignant and not trying to somehow defend himself. Loch often in places not so remote can even count on some protection from other inmates.

And who suffered such a slang?Yes, the one who, in order to protect himself from all this, appeals for help to human rights bodies and even sometimes cooperates with them. Because of this, it is unlikely that anyone can tolerate patience among other prisoners: “You are more careful with him. They say that he endured, knocking the "little red" about everything. "

There is another version of the use of the word"Tolerated" in the circle of "thieves." So sometimes they call those who went to jail, taking on someone else's guilt. Such people enjoy a certain respect among the prisoners, as they are often behind them more powerful and powerful, remaining in the wild. Yes, and those who, while covering up someone, take the punishment, usually cause respect from others.

Drawing attention to the fact that “tolerance” and “tolerance” are similar in meaning, political prisoners also often receive the status of “tolerated”.

"Terpila" in the speech of young people

And in this sense, you can hear it today.a word from the mouth of the youth. “Young connoisseurs of the Russian literary language” stigmatize so siblings, complainers, those who “hand over” their comrades to superiors, teachers, parents and those who are in some sense superior to themselves, if not in rank, so in strength or intelligence: “Today everyone was called to the dean. It would be interesting for this patience, who is constantly knocking, to look at Zenk - what color they are, to find out ... ”

Moved to the youth vocabulary of thieves slang andsuch a meaning of the word, as an indication of a person who has taken on someone else's fault: “Marinka covered Talca with herself, the teacher said that she threw the flask with acid into the window. Suffer, your peroxide anhydride ... "

 tolerated synonyms

Но ими же было присвоено словечку и новое value associated with quality such as tolerance. In fact, the semantics of a foreign language lexical unit has a common root with what we are considering. Both words go back to the verb "endure." Sometimes "tolerated" has a synonym in youth jargon. This “tolerant” is a contemptuous designation of a person who promotes tolerance.

In the famous city of Kiev, young people call taxi drivers and “bombed” - drivers who are engaged in carrying carriages, are terpilami: “Now we will quickly catch terpilu - it instantly pushes us to the place!”

Synonyms of the word "endured"

To summarize the above. What does the word "tolerate" have synonyms for?

  • the victim;
  • victim;
  • victim;
  • the plaintiff;
  • witness;
  • punching bag;
  • slander, sneak, complainant;
  • seksot (secret officer);
  • political prisoner;
  • tolerant, tolerant person;
  • driver, taxi driver in Kiev.

However, the very understanding of the meaning of this little worddoes not give the right to use it in everyday speech to cultural people. This is not a common lexical unit, but a word referring to a separate vocabulary layer called argot. It characterizes the speaker in a certain way. And if a person believes that he has the right to pronounce it, then he should also change his entire outfit accordingly - to a prison uniform.