/ / World Day for Tolerance: Events and Holiday History

World Day for Tolerance: Events and Holiday History

The twenty first century has allowed modernman make many important discoveries, and the development of new technologies has greatly simplified our lives, made it more comfortable. But for some reason it did not allow homo sapiens to become kinder and more tolerant to each other. The eternal struggle between good and evil is still going on in our progressive time.

As a result, news channels are full of alarming.reports of terrorism, aggression, criminal incidents. Therefore, today the problem of finding the best methods to eradicate intolerance reaches enormous proportions and is extremely important. An important step towards its solution can be considered the Day of Tolerance, which is celebrated annually on November 16.

International Day with a focus on tolerance

Two decades ago, in 1995,The 28th General Conference of UNESCO, which adopted the Declaration of Principles on Tolerance and solemnly announced its intention to celebrate World Tolerance Day every year. In this document, the concept of “tolerance” (or “tolerance”) is viewed as an understanding and acceptance of the diversity, diversity, and identity of the cultures that exist on our planet. This is respect for other people, despite the chosen forms of self-expression and the ways in which their own individuality is manifested.

day of tolerance
The Declaration states that such is humannature: we are all different and at the same time equal, regardless of appearance, nationality, social status, values ​​or behavior. Day of Tolerance is designed to emphasize this community.

The future of humanity is in unity

К сожаленью, нетерпимость существует, продолжая constitute a threat to peace and harmony on earth. Therefore, humanity, having tasted the bitterness of debilitating wars, has chosen tolerance as the fundamental principle of morality.

events for the day of tolerance
Increasingly, we come to understand thatintransigence and uncompromisingness must disappear; efforts to prevent emerging and overcoming existing conflicts must be put in the forefront. A wonderful reminder of this need is, in fact, the International Day for Tolerance. The activities he envisages teach us best in unity, justice and respect.

The path to harmony with the outside world

The origin of the term “tolerance” is directly connected with the name of an influential figure in the French government circles at the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries - Talleyrand-Perigord.

Князь Талейран в свое время был одним из близких Napoleon's assistants. This man was able to hold the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs with the repeated change of power - revolutionary, Napoleonic and royal. He was really talented in many areas, but he was especially good at relying on the opinions of outsiders, taking into account their character and personal qualities, treating them with respect and not changing their own principles, smoothing controversial issues without harming all parties involved. He himself controlled the situation, and not blindly obeyed the circumstances and opponents.

World Tolerance Day
Using the behavioral line of this policy asexample for imitation, influential persons of the developed states of our time urge the population of the whole world not to ignore the Day of Tolerance, but on the contrary - to learn to be wise, loyal, merciful, compassionate and forgiving. After all, these qualities help a person to be in constant harmony with the outside world and achieve success in all his endeavors, regardless of external factors.

Traits of a tolerant and intolerant personality

Tolerant should be considered a person endowedspecial moral quality that reflects an active social position and the absence of a psychological barrier for constructive communication with representatives of another nationality, social group, other views, beliefs, worldviews, behavior.

tolerance day at school events

Интолерантная личность проявляет такие качества, as nihilism, selfishness, ignoring the opinions of others, intolerance and lack of understanding towards them, irritability, cynicism, neglect, the desire to transfer responsibility to other people, a constant sense of impending threat and unwarranted aggression.

Family and school: a course on tolerance

Trends in recent years indicatecatastrophic growth in adolescence and youth among various forms of antisocial behavior. Notice, already familiar in our everyday life looks like a manifestation of rudeness, violence, cruelty on the part of the younger generation.

And this serious problem does not leaveindifferent most conscious members of the public, in particular teachers and parents. Today, even a new, unique direction is being developed - the pedagogy of tolerance.

Attention on the right education

The leading task of modern educationalpoliticians - education of tolerance in children, youth and young people. We offer a brief review of the most effective pedagogical ways of developing this quality among schoolchildren during the educational process.

holding a day of tolerance
Definitely conducive for parenting.Tolerance is considered a joint creative activity, especially if it has a socially significant meaning. An excellent result can also be demonstrated using a collective discussion of problems. This approach will enable each student to engage in conversation, express their own opinions, propose a solution to a specific task, listen to others and reach a compromise. In this case, the teacher should not show excessive care, openly manage the process of discussion, which will inhibit the development of relations between children. Naturally, it is appropriate to plan such events for the Day of Tolerance, which once again emphasizes the importance of the overall activity of the classroom team.

Rules for constructive communication

Накоплению опыта толерантного взаимодействия The special education of children in the basics of constructive communication is also successfully promoted. Communicative trainings that develop students' competence in establishing contacts with different people and shaping their ways of overcoming difficulties in communication will best contribute to the achievement of this goal. With the help of such classes, holding a Day of Tolerance at school will not cause major problems for its organizers. Most importantly, children should remember the following rules: learn to respect your neighbor; listen to what he says; tactfully defend your opinion; look for suitable arguments; be fair; Strive to take into account the interests of others.

We celebrate the Day of Tolerance in the school team

In order to form and strengthen in the mindRepresentatives of the younger generation of values ​​of sociocultural interaction in general education institutions decided to organize not one, but a small cycle of thematic classes throughout the year.

International Day for Tolerance Events
But the most important - День толерантности в школе, мероприятия в его The framework is especially instructive and interesting. Its program can significantly decorate interactive games, holiday concerts, "round tables", trainings, lectures, film shows, tours and even creative festivals. It is better that the children be active participants in this meaningful diversity.