In youth slang words andjargon, which is difficult to understand to people who are ignorant of this subject and who have first encountered such an expression. In this article, the meaning of the word "crap" will be considered.
Most often these words penetrate into slangyoung people and adolescents from prison jargon. In some cases, the meaning of a word may slightly change or acquire a slightly different semantic color.

The meaning of the word "crap" is, most likely, takenits origin from the one-root word "nonsense", that is, "to bear nonsense." Proceeding from this, it is possible to draw quite a logical conclusion that the word "crap" is applicable to a person who constantly carries nonsense or stupidity, although the range of application of this term has become much wider today. Such a person is not respected, because his words can not be trusted, because he is inclined to speak untruth, fiction or simply incoherent text.
"Cepuchilo": meaning in youth slang
In youth slang, the meaning of this termalmost undistorted and corresponds to prison jargon. This offensive treatment can be applied to a person who constantly lies, inventing different "stories" and is not able to provide proof of the words said. In a youth environment such a person will never be respected and reckoned with his opinion. In addition to the fact that the thoughts and speech of a person can affect the positioning of it as crap, and often the appearance can also have an effect on this.

Today, the importance of words"crap" is beginning to be somewhat distorted and applied to people not so much on the speech sign as in appearance. A person who is stupid or creates such an impression can also be called crap. For example, the reason for attributing this or that person to this type of people may become a slovenly look, a disheveled hairdo, unclean shoes or crumpled clothes. In this situation, often peers can call a person crap. But it does not always sound like an insult. For example, in a friendly team, the meaning of the word "crap" might be less negative, without offending the person who was so named.
Not always the meaning of the word "crap" isexceptionally offensive and sharply negative semantic color. In some situations, such a term can be used as a diminutive pet name for a stupid-looking pet, such as a shaggy dog or a disheveled cat.