The generation gap creates a language barrier betweenpeople of different generations. But it happens that your interlocutor does not differ from you in age even by a dozen years. But his speech becomes an absolute mystery. Why is this happening, and what is youth slang made of?
On the same wave
Why is it that we cannot understand some phrases and expressions from the conversation of other people? Your age does not necessarily play a decisive role.

Slang can be formed on the basis of communityinterests, views. Sometimes its use depends on the environment in which the person lives. And sometimes a hobby or professional activity leaves an imprint on the speech of your interlocutor. But the upbringing and the atmosphere of the formation of a person, too, like nothing else, will influence the speech of any individual person. And yet we are interested in the question - what is "OMG" in youth slang?
What does this mean?
To understand the meaning of this abbreviation,It stands for the beginning of the letters in it translate into letters of English alphabets. After all, the words that it contains refer specifically to the English language. We get the combination of the letters OMG, the abbreviation of the abbreviation: "Oh My God! Oh, my God! Lord, God! My God!". In Russian there are more than a dozen variants of the translation of this phrase. That's because the declension and conjugation of different parts of the Russian sentence allows you to increase the variability of the translation.

But emotional coloring depends onsituations. The phrase "My God" and other analogs of the translation can be used both in moments of fear, and at the moment of extreme surprise or even delight. It is only clear that "OMG" is used in moments when a person experiences strong and sincere emotions that require immediate expression. Thus, we have learned what “OMG” is, but the specific value depends on many other parameters. If it is difficult for you to determine whether this statement is relevant in a given situation, it is better to study modern forums and chats more closely. This will give you the opportunity to understand at what point it is customary to use this combination and what is “OMG” in youth slang.
Be in topic
На сегодняшний день в лексиконе молодежи имеется a huge number of abbreviations that require any explanation. The list below lists the most used abbreviations to date. They will be useful to understand if your social circle implies the presence of people with peculiar and specific vocabulary. In such situations, it may not be enough for you to know what OMG is.

So, let's start:
- IMHO (IMHO) - in my humble opinion.
- Plz (Pls) - please.
- Lol (LoL) - very funny.
- Roflu (Rofl) - I ride on the floor with laughter.
- Ok (Ok) - all is well.
Similar abbreviations for todaythere are countless, and their list continues to grow almost daily. It’s completely unnecessary to master them all, but if you want to keep up with the times, then you should still try to replenish your vocabulary with youth slang. And next time you will not begin to think about what OMG is, and you will be able to support the conversation freely.