The boundless ocean of youth slang with everyonethe year is full of vivid examples. Some of them cause a smile, some make you blush, the values of the rest of the expressions we just do not understand. This applies to the now fashionable word "anon". Let's try to understand it.
Meaning of the word
So what is an "anon"?The meaning of the word can hardly be found in dictionaries. But nevertheless we face it often. "Anon" means "anonymous", that is, hiding its name; not having an indication of the author; not disclosing their personal data.

What is an anon in its original meaning,knew also the ancient Greeks, because it was their language that gave the world this word. Later it was transformed into the French version of anonyme, and then - into English anonymous.
The Greek word consisted of two parts:"Without" and "name", hence the meaning "unnamed". In this form it has come down to our days. It should be noted that in English, your version of what the anonym means. It is called an abbreviation, a truncated form of the primary variant. That is, refer to the literary, standardized vocabulary. And give him one more value - one that does not have memorable features, uninteresting.
However, in the modern youth environment the word "anon" is not within the framework of book lexicon and is used as a separate emotionally expressive unit.
Synonyms and antonyms
To explain what an anon is, you can and moreliterary language. Unnamed, unknown, non-public - here are a few suitable options. Anonymous can be a letter, treatment, a monetary contribution. More often, nameless are comments on the Internet. This feature provides the absence of the need to authorize when logging into a forum or site. A network user who left an unnamed message is called an anonymous user. Thanks to the richness of the Russian language, the slang version can be replaced with a softer and literary expression: a person who wishes to remain incognito.

The use of the word
To understand what an "anon" is and whenuse this word, you need to understand the culture of Internet communication. Namely in its features, including anonymity. On most forums and sites, the user does not need to log in to post a comment. This, according to many, is very convenient, because it saves from gender, age and other stereotypes.

Most often, what is an anonymous, knowsalmost everyone who has a computer and access to the Internet. Teenagers and trolls most often become the most unauthorized users who hide their name, arrange heated debates on the forums and insult everyone who gives in to provocation.

As you can see, the anonies in the modern youth slang are called all amateurs using the Internet incognito - from the most harmless to the most dangerous representatives.