/ / “Zloraviya worthy of fruit”: the image of Mitrofanushka in the comedy Fonvizin “The Undefiniteness”

"Wickedness worthy of fruit": the image of Mitrofanushka in Fonvizin's comedy "Nedorosl"

D.I.Fonvizin is the first Russian playwright-comedian who dared during times of cruel serfdom to raise the issue of his immorality, corrupting both gentlemen and slave peasants. Using the example of the families of the Prostakov-Skotinins and their households, he revealed the destructive essence of the autocracy, showed what social, economic and cultural gulf those “owners” of the country are pushing the state.

Name and rank

the image of Mitrofanushki in the comedy Fonvizin “The Minority”
Among the portraits of all the characters of particular importanceimage of Mitrofanushka. In the comedy of Fonvizin “Undersight,” he represents the younger generation of nobles, the future stronghold and strength of state power, the hope and support of the country. How does the young man respond to his high purpose? In the characterization of the hero, two concepts are key: his name and the interpretation of social status. Why did Fonvizin call him “the Mitrofanushka nedorosl”? The first word was fairly common in the daily use of Russian speakers at that time. They were called young people of noble origin, who had not yet reached the age of 21, were not adults, and therefore did not serve in the public service. They lived under the care of their parents, without troubling themselves with anything. If you recall Pushkin's “Captain's Daughter”, then the protagonist there gets the same nickname. As for the name, deciphering its meaning is very important for understanding what the image of Mitrofanushka represents. In the comedy of Fonvizin, “Foresight,” a work in the spirit and traditions of classicism, the technique of speaking names and surnames is used. "Mitrofan" - the word Greek, translated as "showing his mother", "similar to the mother." What does this mean, consider below.

“My age is passing. I cook it in people "

So says about the son of Mrs. Prostakova.And, indeed, she literally climbs out of her skin to ensure a comfortable and happy future for him. Happy, of course, from his point of view. How does this noble scion grow under the maternal wing and reliable protection of the “mother” of Eremeevna? Let's face it: this is a daring, rude, lazy egoist, spoiled, on the one hand, by the permissiveness of his origin and class privileges, and on the other, by the unreasonable, blind, animal love of "mother." In this sense, the image of Mitrofanushka in Fonvizin’s comedy “The Undefiniteness” is very typical. A huge number of local noblemen, like him, spent idle time in the parents' estates, chasing pigeons, commanding the serfs and taking advantage of the benefits that can be learned from their labor. Fonvizinsky character embodies the most negative features of its class. He is brave and arrogant with those who are defenseless and powerless. Insults Yeremeyevna, who raises him as a mother. He scoffs at teachers, not wanting to do anything, not interested in anything useful. Even his own father despises and is rude to him. But in front of those who are stronger, he is frankly a coward. When Skotinin wants to beat his nephew, he hides behind his old nanny. And she is an eagle rushes to protect her beloved pet! The character and image of Mitrofanushka in Fonvizin's comedy “The Innervet” speak for themselves. Son and Mama perfectly complement each other. Mother is proud that her son does not know how to read or write. And he advises him: not to study science in mathematics, not to share with anyone, to take everything away. Yes, and he does not need geography either: the cab drivers will take me! But the main science - to rob the peasants as if sticky, to “fight and bark” - the hero learned perfectly. Like mother, he rolls up his sleeves so that, almost not according to him, to deal with the serfs and courtyards, which for him are not people, but things or working animals.

“Zloraviya worthy of fruit”

We well remember what phrase ends withauthor (D.I. Fonvizin) "Undersight". Characteristics Mitrofanushki in her hands. For the sake of a rich dowry, he participated in the abduction of Sophia, which was started by his mother. And then, when Prostakov is excommunicated from the management of the estate, deprived of power and seeking sympathy from his son, he simply pushes her away.

Fonvizin, author of the comedy
He does not need a mother. No one is needed.This animal is devoid of even instinctive attachments. In this regard, the hero even surpassed his mother. If she is in the finale of the play causes pity and even some sympathy, then he is only contempt and indignation.

Unfortunately, comedy is still relevant today. No wonder she does not leave the stage of the capital and provincial theaters!