/ The Underbird is an uneducated kid who personifies the nobility of the 17th century.

An ungodly is an uneducated kid who personifies the nobility of the seventeenth century

The comedy of Fonvizin "Undersight" was written by the author infor several years. At first he read it to his relatives and friends, and then it became a real masterpiece of literature. Probably, the comedy of Fonvizin “The Minor One” left no one indifferent to the readers, because it carries a deep meaning.

Speaking names of heroes

The comedy of Fonvizin is very interesting, and inAt the same time, it makes the reader think about how people behave and what their stupid actions lead to. It is worth noting that the names of all the heroes of the comedy are: Prostakova, Skotinin, Pravdin, Starodum, etc. Prostakovs are ordinary simpletons who do not have a bright mind and are not educated people. Skotinin - Uncle Mitrofanushki, who goes against his nephew and his sister for their own benefit. Pravdin is a fighter for justice, a man who loves order and truth. Starodum - Uncle Sophia, who always listened to the opinions of all people, but always remained only at his own thoughts and did not change his decisions. DI Fonvizin gave all the heroes speaking names, which immediately help to understand and form opinions about this or that person in the "Under-growing".

Undersight is

Sofia want to marry

Nedorosl 'is one of the heroes.So they call their son Prostakova - Mitrofanushka, who did not like to learn and believed that he did not need it. The mother didn’t really want to marry him to Sophia, who has an estate, she learned about it from a letter written by Starodom to her niece. Since none of their families could read, Pravdin voiced everything that his uncle wrote. Starodum informed his niece that she was the heir to his property acquired in Siberia, which gives an income of 10,000 a year.

In addition to the undead, to marry Sophia expressed the desire and the uncle of the guy - Skotinin. But it is worth noting that he did not like Sophia at all, but her villages.

Sofia meeting with Milon

Later soldiers marched through the village of Prostakovswhose leader was Milon. Here he met Pravdin, who was his old friend. Milon shared with a friend that he had been separated from his beloved for six months already, because she had become an orphan and some relatives took her to her place. Unexpectedly, during his story Milon saw Sophia. Lovers were very happy to see each other. Sophia decided to tell him that Prostakova wants to marry her off her unlucky son, after which Milon became jealous. But, having learned the underage better, the girl's beloved calmed down a bit.

comedy fonvizin ignoramus

Nedorosl 'is the uneducated and stupid son of Prostakova.

This is a boy of sixteen.He is a completely uneducated and stupid boy. The comedy of Fonvizin "Indulge" expresses the author's attitude towards the nobility. Prostakova's son is not only illiterate and uneducated, but also very rude. His mother hired teachers for him who could not teach the underage at least something. He believed that he did not need to learn, he was rude to his teachers and disrespectful towards them.

Undersight is a rough, uneducated andstupid child, which were the children of nobles at that time. This boy didn’t need absolutely nothing, he constantly repeated: “I don’t want to learn, I want to marry!” This once again shows his attitude to school and to life in general.

Nedorosl this comedy

“Minorish” is a comedy that Fonvizin wanted.show the degradation of the Russian nobility in those days. The boy who does not want to learn, his mother, who everywhere was looking for benefits for herself. Skotinin, who had no feelings and, like his sister, wanted only the best, but didn’t do anything for it. All the heroes of the work show how stupid, angry and uneducated the nobility were. The undersight is a child who was raised incorrectly, and this is exactly what Fonvizin wanted to convey to his readers.