The card "Arrow" is issued to pay for a trip totransport in the capital. It is very convenient because it allows you to quickly calculate. With its help, the flow of funds for the passage is controlled. Cardholders can save up to 20%. But not everyone knows how to replenish the card "Arrow". However, there are several proven methods to achieve a result.

Card benefits
Жителям столицы карты «Стрелка» требуются для payment of travel trips. It is only necessary to transfer money to the account in a timely manner and to pay by touching the validator. And you do not need to take cash.
Validator is the equipment for controlling the fare for passengers. Cards can be paid at different carriers. Arrows are sold in kiosks, in Euroset and at the post office.
The advantages of the card include:
- cashless payment;
- convenient use;
- no travel tickets required.
And replenishment of the Strelka card can be performed by any of the proposed methods. Each of them is convenient because it allows you to pay for services without a queue.
Transfer money to the card will turn out through the official website of the company. On the first page there is a special field, where by the number you can find out about the balance, as well as replenish the account.

For card users there is an application withwith the help of which it will be possible to keep control over the balance in any place. And you can replenish it with a MasterCard or Visa card. The minimum deposit is 50 rubles, the maximum is 3000.
Use of payment systems
You can replenish the Strelka card using the Yandex. Money wallets or Webmoney. If you are interested in the first option, you must use the following instructions:
- open a personal account;
- visit the section “Goods and Services”;
- the service is in the category “Transport and Travel”;
- after finding the "Arrow" you must enter the number and amount;
- at the end, the payment method is selected and credited.
On Webmoney replenishment occurs in a similar way. There is no commission for such services.
Mobile phone
The replenishment of the Arrow card can be done through the telephone, from whose balance the funds will be debited. Today, the service can be used by Beeline and MTS customers.
To replenish the card, you must write a message to the number 7878. The text should contain: "ARROW card number sum." A fee of 4.95% is charged for the service.
The shops
Card holders can replenish them through some stores that provide such services:
- "Mostransavto";
- Euroset;
- "Crossroads", "Auchan", "Pyaterochka";
- "Messenger".
It is only necessary to name the number, amount, and money will be transferred instantly. The map immediately becomes available for travel.

Many owners of cards for payment choose "Sberbank". The replenishment of the Strelka card can be done thanks to the personal account service:
- select the section "Payments and transfers";
- need to find "Goods and Services";
- select “Transport”, find the name of the card, then fill in the data and complete the payment.
This method is used to replenish the Strelka card with a credit card. Service without commission, funds credited instantly. You can pay for services through an ATM Sberbank.
Travel prices
If you need to know the exact amount of replenishment, for this you should familiarize yourself with the tariffs:
- 1-10 trips - 30 rubles (for one);
- 11-20 trips - 28;
- 21-30 trips - 26.
For students there are discounts of 50%. To use the offer, you will need to provide the necessary documents: application, pension certificate, passport, student card.
You can replenish the card with any of the presentedmethods. Many operators do not charge a fee and transfer money quickly. And in order not to be left without funds on the card, you can activate the “Auto Payment” service from Sberbank.