/ / How to transfer money from Sberbank card to Qiwi?

How to transfer money from the Savings Bank card to Kiwi?

Among the common payment systems importantplace is Qiwi. E-wallet is great for shopping on the Internet. You can replenish it in different ways, but one of the convenient is Sberbank. This method of sending money is the safest, so you can not worry about the safety of funds. How to send money from a Sberbank card to Qiwi? To do this, use a simple instruction.

Recharge card

With the Sberbank card on Qiwi Wallet money can betransfer via internet banking. The user must be registered on the bank site. For security, there is entered a password that is sent in SMS.

from the card Savings Bank to Qiwi

When the login is successful, you need to find a section."Payments and transactions" and select the transfer to "Kiwi". Then the purse number is dialed, then you need to confirm the operation. On weekdays, enrollment is fast, and there may be a delay on holidays and weekends. From the card of Sberbank to Qiwi Wallet through Sberbank online money is transferred without commission. This method is considered one of the most convenient and safe.

Using the app

How to transfer money from a Sberbank card to"Qiwi Wallet" through the app? The feature is available for owners of devices such as iPad, iPhone, Android, Windows Phone. Download the application on the official website. You need to register, after which you can make various payments. Depositing a Qiwi account is the same as in your account. The benefits of the application include the presence of about 60,000 providers to pay for various services. It is convenient for a person to keep track of their accounts, as well as transfer money in one touch.

Through a mobile bank

There is another convenient way to rechargeelectronic wallet balance - mobile transfer. In this case, you need to send a message. First you need to specify the name of the system, the wallet number and amount. Everything is done according to the example: QIWI 9000000000 111.

with a savings bank card on a Qiwi wallet

The number is a mobile phone,registered in the system. The Russian name of the wallet - "QIWI" will also do. The phone number must be written in the amount of 9 digits. The message is sent to the number 900. In order not to type many numbers next time, it is possible to create a template.

Using the site "Kiwi"

Send money from the card of Sberbank to Qiwiget through the site qiwi.com. You need to go to your office, select the section "Top up your wallet", and then find a way to "card". The system will provide information on commissions and other conditions.

It is important to choose "Sberbank card replenishment", after which it is linked to the account. To do this, fill in all the details that allow you to complete the operation:

  • card number;
  • name, surname;
  • validity;
  • CVV2 or CVC2.

from a savings bank card to a Qiwi wallet through a savings bank online

Чтобы подтвердить операцию, нужно нажать "Register". Then verification and establishment of data is performed, which lasts about a minute. After the completion of the operation, it will be clear how to transfer from the Sberbank card to Kiwi. This is done quickly and safely.

There are some rules for using the service.The map must be the same country as the phone number. The one-time cash limit is 15,000 rubles, and for foreign cards, 3,000. Restrictions per day for Russians are 50,000 rubles.

Through the ATM

You can transfer money from the Sberbank card to Qiwi using an ATM. After installing the card into the device, it is important to enter the pin code and perform simple steps:

  • click "Payments";
  • select "Payment for services";
  • find "Electronic Money" and QIWI;
  • write the number and amount;
  • check the information and complete the payment.

After successful completion of the operation, funds are written off and credited to the necessary details. Money comes quickly and without commission.

Another variant

Replenish "Kiwi" can be using the terminal.It is necessary to dial the number, pin-code that goes to the phone when creating the wallet. It should not be confused with the password from the personal account. You need to find "Top up in cash" and pay the money. There is no commission for enrollment. In this case, there are restrictions on the maximum amount, as with the cards.

from the Sberbank card to the Qiwi wallet through the application

In the absence of a pin-code replenishment can beproduce only by number. To do this, in the section "Electronic money" you need to find a QIWI wallet. After that, enter the necessary data. It is not necessary to write a comment, so this item can be skipped.

Benefits of using QIWI

Kiwi wallet is popular with people because of its advantages:

  • convenient making payments;
  • fast and high-quality support service;
  • You can work with the wallet after registration;
  • no fees for using the system;
  • no proof of identity is required;
  • a large number of payments;
  • There is no age limit.

Qiwi Wallet can be replenished by any means presented, as they are safe. After that, you can appreciate the convenient operation of the electronic wallet.