/ / How to replenish a phone account with a bank card: instruction

How to replenish a phone account with a bank card: instruction

Today we will look with you, both with the bankingcards to replenish the account of the phone. In fact, there are several interesting approaches that will definitely help you. Consider, perhaps, the example of Sberbank. Let's get to it quickly.

how to replenish a phone bill from a bank card

Mobile Banking

So, if you think like a bank cardreplenish the account of the phone, then let's start with you with the most interesting approach. For example, we will use the "Mobile Bank". This is a very convenient service, which helps to work with "plastic".

In order to deposit money to your account, youit is enough to write the amount of payment in SMS, and then send the generated letter to number 900. After the request is processed, you will receive an alert about the successful completion of the operation. So it's not so difficult as it seems.

However, there are several other approaches that help us figure out how to replenish the phone bill from a bank card. Now we learn them. It's always good to have a few alternatives, right?

Do not imagine

The second scenario is not thatother than the use of the same "Mobile Bank" in order to deposit money to a third-party number. This method helps when there are no payment terminals nearby. Let's see how to replenish a bank account from a phone that is not tied to "plastic".

Here everything is not as scary as it might seemfirst glance. If you are going to transfer money to a friend or relative, then form a message in which you write the number of the replenishment, and through the blank the amount of the payment. After everything is ready, send a request to the short number 900. That's all you need. It remains to wait a while - you will receive an alert about the successful processing of the operation. This means that the money has reached the recipient. That's all the problems. As you can see, they really are not. But that's not all. You can replenish your account with a bank card without using a mobile phone. How? Let's understand.

refill your credit card with a phone bill

ATM / terminal

And here's to you and one more interesting andA quick method of replenishing the phone with a card. It is used by most customers. In order to answer the question of how to replenish the phone account (MTS, Beeline and other operators) from the bank card, we need an ATM or payment terminal for Sberbank.

Bring your plastic, and thengo to the "machine". Insert the card into the special hole (receiver), and then dial the pin code. It will give you access to the main menu of the system. There it is necessary to find the item "Replenishment of a mobile phone". Click on it, and then dial the amount of the payment, as well as the number to which we will transfer the funds.

После этого проверьте, все ли сделано верно.If so, you can confirm the operation and wait for processing. As soon as the money is credited to the phone, you will receive a message about the money spent on the card. As you can see, nothing complicated. This approach is perfectly implemented both in ATMs and in payment terminals of Sberbank. Nevertheless, there is another rather interesting approach that will help us to deal with the mobile phone account. Which one? Let's get acquainted with him.

the Internet

If you think how to replenish the phone account with a bank card, you can always access the Internet. It is he who often helps us in many life situations.

how to credit a phone card from a bank card pay

If we consider Sberbank, then it hasspecial service "Sberbank Online". With it, you can easily and easily control your funds on the card without leaving your home. Go to the site and enter your login and password in the appropriate fields (they are issued when you receive the card), and then type a special security code. He will come to your mobile. Now it is enough just to go to the "Operations" section, and then - "Mobile top up". There in the appropriate fields type the required number and amount of payment. Confirm the action. That's all. Now it remains to wait until the money goes to the account.