Our modern housewives have in theirdisposal of the kitchen a whole arsenal of all kinds of instrumentation-assistants. These are harvesters, steamers, aerogrills, and microwave ovens. Moreover, today there is a new, universal device that already decorates the kitchen of every inveterate cook. This is a multivark. She cooks, and soars, and fries. Prepare in it you can do whatever your heart desires. Even bake bread. However, what to say about housewives. Even for a single man such an assembly, which is easy to prepare, simple and convenient, is a real find. So let's talk about how to cook in a miracle casserole a strategic student-bachelor dish - dumplings. But first a few words about the device itself.

Multivar - this is what?
As already mentioned above, you can cook in italmost everything. Today, these devices are manufactured by many different companies - popular and not very well known to the consumer. However, they all work on the same principle, differing only in a set of functions. Whatever it was, but any budget multivar must have all the most necessary cooking modes. Strictly speaking, what else is needed, let's say, the same lonely man? Cakes and bread oven it is unlikely to be, but to prepare a good delicious dinner, a set of basic functions it will be enough. Therefore, in order not to climb into the jungle, let's talk about the process of preparation in the multi-brand "Redmond" - one of the most popular devices at the moment, inexpensive and capable of making life easier not only for a bachelor, but for many busy ladies who "have a big family" .
So, we are preparing dumplings in the multivark "Redmond". Fast, tasty and with interest.

How to cook?
Yes, as you please. There are a lot of recipes.You can quickly boil or fry and store dumplings in the multi-store "Redmond", and you can podnapryachsya and nalepit real, domestic. And from the fact that you will cook them then, or even bake in a miracle pot, they will become even more delicious. And there is also an intermediate option - neither our, nor yours. Make and cook lazy dumplings in a multivariate. Time for this will take a little, but they will also be domestic, albeit somewhat unusual in appearance. However, why unnecessary words? Let's cook!
Method one, the simplest
So, you returned home after a hard laborday, falling from the legs with fatigue and hunger. The thought of a visit on the way to the store provoked strong disgust, but the fact that there was a pile of pelmeni in the refrigerator warmed the soul. In addition, on the table, a new miracle casserole was presented to the colleagues recently presented by colleagues. It's time to try it in practice. Cook somehow, however, it is not very interesting, but to cook more delicious dumplings - fried - in the multi-store "Redmond" you can. Which is what we will do. How? Very simple!

Pour a few tablespoons into the bowlvegetable oil, we put in two rows a revenue-semi-finished product, put the "Bake" mode, time - 20 minutes. We rest, then after ten minutes we return to the kitchen, we open a super-saucepan, we mix the contents with a special spatula. Ten minutes later, the multivariate will call us for dinner. If you have the strength to suffer a little, you can do so. Refuse a momentary dinner, add a glass of water to the bowl with pelmeni, put out for half an hour a regime or "Quenching", or again "Baking". Five minutes before the meal is ready to fall asleep grated cheese (the amount - if desired). Thirty minutes later you will have fried, but very juicy and mouth-watering pelmeni on your plate. On this occasion you can pour yourself a glass of good red wine. Deserved!
And now imagine that today we have a day off,so we can give the dinner a little more time. So let's pamper ourselves and prepare lazy homemade ravioli in the Redmond multivark. Yes, not just so, but on a cushion of vegetables.
Recipe for lazy gourmets
To prepare such dumplings in the multivarke "Redmond", they first need, of course, to do. For this we stock up:
- flour - about 500 g;
- forcemeat (pork) - 700 g;
- bulbs - 2 pieces;
- carrots - 1 piece;
- Bulgarian pepper - 1 piece;
- garlic - 1 denticle;
- spices (in accordance with their own preferences).
Mix the flour with a glass of water, add salt andprepare the dough. He needs a little "rest", so to not waste time, we make stuffing. Cut finely the onion and mix it with minced meat, add spices, chopped garlic and salt. We rub the carrot on a grater, cut the second onion and pepper into rings. Then spread the dough on a board, sprinkled with flour, and roll it into a thin layer, along which we evenly distribute the stuffing. We turn all this into a roll, with a sharp knife we cut it into pieces - identical and not very large.
In the bowl pour a few spoons of oil - orvegetable, or olive. We set the "Baking" mode and fry the onion for five minutes, then add the prepared vegetables to it. Once again we set the time - 15 minutes, waiting. And then we put pelmeni, salt, on our "pillow", sprinkle with spices, add as much water as needed, so that it completely covers the dish and cooks in the "Quenching" mode for an hour.
We serve with mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard.
This is by no means all ways of how you can cook dumplings in the multivark "Redmond-4502", however, like any other model. Experiment! And enjoy the extraordinary taste of new dishes.