Baking recipes in the "Redmond" multi-store caninclude completely different ingredients. Today we will consider 2 options for making flour products, for which there is no need to purchase rare and expensive products.

1. Bread baking in the multi-store "Redmond"
Components for the test:
- milk fat - 600 ml;
- egg large chicken - 2 pcs .;
- salt sea - 3 pinch;
- sand sugar - 1.5 large spoons;
- yeast dry - 1 dessert spoon;
- Wheat flour - add to the density;
- vegetable oil - 15 ml (for lubricating the container).
Mixing the dough
Any pastry in the multi-store "Redmond" is obtainedlush and tasty. To make ordinary bread in a modern kitchen appliance, you need to prepare a yeast base in advance. To do this, it is necessary to slightly warm the fatty milk, and then dissolve salt, sugar and dry yeast in it. Next, the milk mixture should be broken eggs eggs and put the wheat flour. As a result of careful mixing of the ingredients, you must form a tight base. It must be covered with a cloth and kept in the heat for approximately 90 minutes. During this time the yeast dough should rise 3 or 4 times.
Heat treatment
To bake in the multi-brand "Redmond" turned outsoft, and during the heat treatment does not stick to the bottom of the bowl, it should be pre-lubricated with oil. After that, it is required to put the yeast base in the container (fill in 1/3 part), and then keep it in the open for 40 minutes, close the lid and install the baking program for 1 hour. After 60 minutes, the bread will be completely usable.

2. Sweet pastry in the multi-brand "Redmond"
Components for the dish:
- sand sugar - ½ cup;
- egg large chicken - 1 pc .;
- vegetable oil - 15 ml (for lubricating the container);
- soda dinning and apple vinegar - per ½ dessert spoon;
- mayonnaise of high fat content - 100 g;
- flour sifted - ¾ cup;
- raisins brown without pits - if desired (1/2 cup).
Mixing the dough
To prepare such a large cakeBeat egg with greasy mayonnaise, then add to them the sugar, a tablespoon baking soda to extinguish vinegar and pour the sifted flour. As a result of all the described actions you should get a thick dough that strongly adheres to the hands. It should also be noted that sweet pastries in multivarka "Redmond" will be much tastier if the ready foundation additionally add brown parboiled seedless raisins.
Heat treatment
After the dough for a sweet product will beready, it needs to be put in a greased container and put the baking program for 60 minutes. After a lapse of an hour, a large cupcake should be kept in the multivark for another 17 minutes, but do not open the lid.

How to properly serve the table
Ready-made sweet pastries or regular breadit is advisable to present to dinner in hot or warm form together with tea or some hearty dish, respectively. It should be especially noted that similar flour products are prepared in the multi-brand "Redmond" on the same principle, in the same mode.