/ / Beef in the multi-bar "Redmond": ways of cooking

Beef in the "Redmond" multivark: ways of cooking

Beef should be constantly on the people's table,especially Russians. It is a product that is rich not only in carbohydrates, fats and proteins, but also in vitamins and chemical elements. Many people to save the figure or from other considerations have recently been trying to avoid meat dishes. The main reasons are the appearance of excess weight. This is not entirely correct. Nutritionists say that beef is necessary for the human body. You just need to cook it properly. The best way is cooked beef in the multivark "Redmond".

beef in redmond multivark

Beef "in a country way"

For this dish you will need:about a kilogram of beef, a pair of bulbs (large ones fit), a couple of medium sized carrots, two hundred tablespoons of oil, about two tablespoons of flour, about two tablespoons of flour, a couple of leaves of laurel, salt to taste, about a tablespoon of paprika, a circle of lemon, about a glass of sour cream, pepper black, white, red to taste and a little vegetable oil. The preparation of beef in the multivark "Redmond" refers to the simplest method. And the dish itself will be juicy, fragrant and useful.

Cooking method

Prepare beef in the multivark "Redmond"can start a landlady. The recipe is very light. Meat must be cut into portions (preferably about two centimeters in size). Then it should be lightly fried in oil on both sides until golden brown. Vegetables cleaned, washed. Carrots cut into strips, and onion half rings. The bread is also sliced.

Beef cooking in multivark redmond

Stacking products in a pan

When the products are prepared, they need to beput in a saucepan as follows: put a piece of butter on the bottom, then go layers of meat. Each of them must be poured, peppered and alternated with vegetables. From above put pieces of bread and pour all with boiling water so that all products are closed. Beef in the "Redmond" multivarker will be prepared first with the "Bake" mode for about 20 minutes, and then it is necessary to switch to "Quenching" and leave for about 2.5 hours. After the cooking time has come to an end, you do not need to immediately take out the meat. You should add sour cream, mix everything and give 15 more minutes to stand. Only then you can open the saucepan and lay the dish on plates. You can serve such meat with herbs, with lightly salted cucumbers. A salad of fresh or sauerkraut will also be good.

to cook beef in multivark redmond

Stewed beef "in Burgundy"

To prepare this dish you will need:about a kilogram of beef, about 4 tablespoons of flour, about 50 g of butter, one large onion, a pair of carrots, a slice of garlic, about a glass of dry wine, canned mushrooms, salt to taste, bay leaf, greens. You need to cut the meat. Flour with salt, pepper and then in this mixture roll the pieces of beef. Then you need to lightly fry them in oil. Then the beef will be prepared in the multivark "Redmond".

Put fried meat in a saucepan, addwine, liquid from mushrooms, bay leaves and greens. All put in multivarku and set the mode "Quenching". The time will take from 1.5 to 2 hours. When it is finished, open the lid, add the mushrooms and set the "Heating" program for about 15 minutes. Instead of canned, fresh mushrooms are also quite suitable. Only they need to be cleaned and cut. Also fresh mushrooms need to be put in a pan with meat. You can use for this dish and dry. Only first you need to soak them. They lay them together with meat and spices. When the beef in the multivark "Redmond" is ready, it will be left to spread out on plates. To her, you just need to add sour cream or mayonnaise and sprinkle with herbs.