/ / Lazy cabbage pie: fast and very tasty

Lazy cabbage pie: fast and very tasty

Most housewives do not often indulge theirnative fragrant homemade pastries, unreasonably believing that its preparation takes a lot of time. One of the best evidence of the fallacy of this opinion will be the lazy cabbage pies, the recipes of which will be presented in today's publication.

Basic principles

The basis for the preparation of this baking isenough liquid batter, the consistency of which is more like thick sour cream. It is kneaded with kefir, milk, ryazhenka, cottage cheese, yogurt, yogurt or mayonnaise. In addition, its composition is added eggs, flour, salt, soda, lean or butter.

cabbage lazy cake

As for the filling, then for its preparationit is advisable to use young white cabbage. It is recommended to pre-dry an old vegetable in an oiled griddle. In addition to cabbage, the filling is often supplemented with mushrooms, minced meat, sausage, carrots, onions, greens or boiled eggs. The presence of these ingredients makes the filler more nourishing and fragrant. Lazy cabbage pies are baked in a microwave, a slow cooker or an ordinary oven. As a rule, the duration of this process is about an hour.


This recipe will be a true find for those onwhose thresholds often appear unexpected guests. It turns out very tasty and nutritious pastries, which can be filled to feed a large company. To play it, you will need:

  • 750 grams of white cabbage.
  • 3 eggs.
  • 180 milliliters of low-fat sour cream.
  • 270 grams of white bread flour.
  • 120 milliliters of mayonnaise.
  • A bag of baking powder.
  • Butter, salt and ground pepper.

lazy cabbage pie

In a deep container they combine eggs, mayonnaise,sour cream, and baking powder. All this is mixed with salt, ground pepper and flour. A third of the finished, sufficiently liquid mass is poured into the oiled form and covered with a layer of finely shredded cabbage. Top evenly distribute the remaining dough and put it all in a warm oven. Bake a lazy cabbage pie at 180 degrees for about thirty minutes. Then it is checked for readiness using a regular toothpick, cooled and served on the table. If desired, it is poured over with sour cream or any spicy sauce.

Variant on kefir

By the technology described below, the result is gentlebaking with juicy vegetable filling. It is prepared from simple and easily accessible ingredients, and the process takes a minimum of time and effort. To make a fragrant lazy cabbage pie, you will need:

  • 5 eggs.
  • 300 grams of cabbage.
  • A large onion.
  • ½ cup of mayonnaise.
  • 200 milliliters of kefir.
  • A bunch of green onions.
  • A glass of baking flour.
  • Salt, sugar and baking powder.
  • Sesame grains and vegetable oil.

lazy cabbage pie in the microwave

In a heated pan, greased with vegetablefat, lay out chopped onions and shredded cabbage. All this is salted and fried until cooked. Then the vegetables are cooled and mixed with three chopped boiled eggs and chopped green onions.

Now you can do a test, from whichbaked lazy cake with cabbage. To create it in a deep container combine the remaining eggs, mayonnaise, baking powder, kefir, flour and some sugar. Part of the resulting, quite liquid mass is poured into a refractory mold and covered with a filling. Spread the remaining dough on top and sprinkle it with sesame seeds. Bake the product at a moderate temperature for thirty minutes.

Milk Option

This recipe is interesting because it involves the use of a multicooker. To make a lazy cabbage pie using this modern appliance, you will need:

  • 200 grams of white bread flour.
  • 200 milliliters of pasteurized milk.
  • 2 eggs.
  • ¼ standard packs of butter.
  • A teaspoon of baking powder.
  • 400 grams of fresh white cabbage.
  • 100 g carrots.
  • 50 grams of any durum cheese.
  • Salt and fresh greens.

cabbage lazy cake recipe

Eggs are lightly whipped with milk.Salt, baking powder, ghee and flour are added to the resulting liquid. All is well mixed, trying to achieve maximum homogeneity. The resulting dough is poured into the bowl of the multicooker, greased with vegetable fat. Top salted shred cabbage, combined with chopped carrots and chopped greens. All this is sprinkled with shabby cheese and covered with a lid. Prepare a lazy cabbage pie in a slow cooker operating in “Baking” mode for sixty minutes.

Option with the addition of cottage cheese

This cake is made on the basis of tender, softdough that goes well with aromatic vegetable filling. The process of baking it is so simple that any beginner cook who has no experience in creating such treats will easily repeat. This time you should have:

  • A pound of cabbage.
  • 500 grams of fresh mushrooms.
  • 3 eggs.
  • On 5 big spoons of mayonnaise and soft cottage cheese.
  • 250 grams of white bread flour.
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder.
  • Salt, vegetable oil and some kefir.

Step-by-Step Technology

This delicious cabbage lazy is cookedthe pie is quick and easy. Start the process you need to create a filling. To do this, in an oiled heated pan fry salted shredded cabbage and sliced ​​mushrooms.

lazy cabbage pie in a slow cooker

Reddened vegetables are left to cool andgo to the test. For its preparation in a bowl combine cottage cheese and mayonnaise, and then beat them with a blender. If necessary, all this can be diluted with a small amount of kefir. The resulting mass is mixed with eggs, baking powder and flour. Part of the dough is poured into the oiled bowl of the multicooker and covered with a layer of cooled vegetable filling. The rest of the curd-flour mass is distributed on top. All this is covered with a lid and cooked in “Baking” mode for sixty minutes.

Option with sausage

By the method below, it turns out quitehearty cabbage lazy cake. Due to the addition of sausage, the vegetable filling acquires a richer flavor and a pronounced aroma. To prepare this pastry, you will need:

  • 400 grams of white cabbage.
  • A large onion.
  • 3 eggs.
  • 1.5 tsp of baking powder.
  • 100 milliliters of yogurt.
  • For ½ teaspoon salt and sugar.
  • 250 grams of boiled sausage.
  • Vegetable oil.

lazy cabbage pie quickly and very tasty

Pre-cleaned and chopped onionsfry in a small amount of vegetable fat, and then combine with pieces of sausage and shredded cabbage. Raw eggs, fresh kefir, baking powder, sugar, salt and flour are mixed in a separate container. In the resulting mass spread vegetables with sausage. All this is gently mixed and placed in an oiled multicooker tank. Prepare a lazy cabbage pie in baking mode for sixty minutes. Then the product is cooled, carefully removed from the mold and cut into portions. Serve it with sweet hot tea or spicy spicy sauce.