Not many housewives along with raspberries, currants, gooseberries and vegetables are used to harvest for the winter dishes with feijoa, although this amazing fruit has long ceased to be exotic.

Its roots go to the countries of the subtropical(Paraguay, Uruguay), but due to extreme endurance, it quickly spread to the Mediterranean countries, then to the Caucasus and Georgia, the Krasnodar Territory, Crimea and further to the south, to Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan. This is now a practical hostess to brew compote from feijoa for the winter, and initially it was used only for decorative purposes. The fact is that feijoa is an evergreen shrub plant, which has a beautiful spreading crown from greyish-silver leaves with large red and white flowers and oblong green fruits. Not surprisingly, to decorate the gardens, these shrubs are still used in Japan, Australia and Algeria. But in the countries of the post-Soviet space they prefer edible dishes from this wonderful plant: salads, jams, jellies and mousses, muffins, puddings and, of course, incomparable compote from feijoa. The recipe you can read below, it certainly does not make it difficult.

To make the simplest compote of feijoa,need 0.5 kg of fruit, moreover ripe, sweet and soft, 2.5 liters of water, 2.5 tbsp. sugar and a quarter teaspoon of citric acid. Cut the fruit into pieces and look for the seed box is not necessary, it is enough to cut them from two ends until the shape of the "keg", wash under running water. Next, to compote from feijoa, the recipe of which we are now studying, turned out to be sweet with soft fruits, go to the next stage. First we put a pot of water on the fire and blanch the feijoa in it for 3-5 minutes. Next, take out the berries and immediately lay out on sterilized jars, and in the remaining liquid pour out the sugar and bring to a boil. Then there will be only pour the syrup fruit in the cans and roll up.

So, compote from feijoa, the recipe of which can be improved with its innovations and ideas, is ready for use. And if you crush the fruit in a blender, then you will enjoy and its pulp.
There is another version of it, extraordinarily tenderand even somewhat aristocratic. According to her, the compote of feijoa is brewed, the recipe of which involves the addition of grains of pomegranate and dried pink flowers that can be found practical in any tea house. Usually they are used as an aromatic additive in tea, but they are very useful in compote. After all, they add a delicate fragrance and incomparable sophistication to this simple dish.
The note
The fruits of feijoa are also extremely useful:they contain so much vitamin C and iodine that they can only compare with seafood. However, they are low-calorie. And their peel contains active biological substances that help strengthen immunity, and essential oils. However, it is better to put the peeled fruit in the compote, as the tart taste of the peel may not be like your household members.