/ / Pancakes on a manga: recipe that will win you

Pancakes on a manga: recipe that will win you

Getting used to Maslenitsa to cook the main dishexclusively on flour, albeit in different ways, many housewives are very surprised when they hear about pancakes on a manga. The recipe, meanwhile, is not new, came to us from ancient times, when real Russian pancakes were considered lush, thick and nourishing, and not at all translucent and lacy. Let's try to revive old times and revive traditions. At the same time we will compare how different to taste and what is better - the usual flour or pancakes on a manga. The recipe with the photo, at least, offers a very mouth-watering alternative.

pancakes on a manga recipe with a photo

Milk pancakes with a manga

Let's start with a less complicated version.Let the "early" pancakes on the manga be the first. The recipe with yeast, of course, is traditionally considered more correct, but it is always necessary to go from simple to more difficult. Milk and water are taken in equal amounts - two glasses each. The liquid is slightly salted, after which sugar is poured into it. The recommended amount is three spoons, but it is adjusted to the taste of consumers. At the same time, five spoons of manga are introduced. Four eggs are then hammered, sunflower oil is poured (also five spoons), and the dough is carefully beaten with a mixer. When the desired degree of homogeneity is achieved, it is left for half an hour to swell the cereals. If after it seems liquid - you can pour a little flour. Preparatory work is completed, you can start cooking.

pancakes on a manga recipe

We can do without flour!

Very original, delicious and tender pancakes onmanke. The recipe, I think, will be especially interesting for those who care for the figure. The first thing to do is to have a glass of oatmeal unglazed flakes through a meat grinder or (which is better) a blender. The resulting "flour" is mixed with a glass of mango, filled with low-fat kefir (half a liter) and is set aside for an hour or two. Separately, whisk three eggs with sprinkled sugar (two with a spoonful of slices), soda and salt (half-pasta). The dough is kneaded carefully, but without excess aggressiveness - and pancakes are immediately baked. They turn out to be magnificent and leaky.

pancakes on a manga recipe with yeast

Yeast pancakes

We pass to aerobatics.Consider how to prepare real, correct pancakes on a manga. The recipe with yeast tells you to sift four cups of flour and combine it with sugar (all the same two spoons), half a glass of semolina, a packet of dry yeast and salt (half-spoonful). A glass is poured from a liter of milk and is set aside. The rest is heated very slightly and poured into a dry mixture. The dough is kneaded, covered from flies and airing by a towel and it is about an hour and a half. Then five eggs are hammered into it and half a glass of sunflower oil pours in. The mass is mixed until complete homogeneity. The remaining milk is boiled, quickly introduced into the dough, which is then vigorously mixed, so as not to curdle. In a third of the hour of "lifting" the most important part begins - baking.

thick pancakes with a manga recipe

Lush pancakes

If you want to try the real oldRussian dish, learn to bake thick pancakes with a manga. The recipe is also yeast, and spicy. In the old days, such pancakes were called "Ageevsky". To create them, you need two approaches.

  1. Opara. Started in the evening.Half a liter of barely warm water poured into a fairly large pan. A tablespoon of dry yeast is diluted in a third of a glass of warm water, sweetened with two tablespoons of sugar. When a foam cap rises over the cup, the yeast pours into the water, there is poured a glass of manga, a little salt and a little flour - so that after mixing, the mass resembled bazaar sour cream.
  2. In the morning we continue to create yeast pancakes withwith a manga. The recipe requires you to drive three eggs into the spoon, pour a couple of spoons of lean oil and mix it. If it turns out to be a bit thin, a little meal comes to sleep; gustovato - the warm water is added.

You can bake! The thick dough is well suited for toasting, so that the pancakes are lush and soft.

pancakes yeast with a manga recipe

Cottage cheese pancakes

Quite unusual, but amazingly delicious pancakeson the manga, the recipe of which includes also cottage cheese. But flour is not necessary at all! In the microwave or on the stove, a 20-gram slice of oil dissolves, mixed with four eggs, a mango (two spoons), sugar (three), five tablespoons of milk and a quarter-kilogram of medium-fat cottage cheese. If you get - take a smooth, no - you have to wipe it through a sieve, or grind in a meat grinder, or whip with a blender. It will remain to add a half-spoon of baking powder and mix it up. Pancakes come out airy and just melt in your mouth.

Pancakes from porridge

In the above options, the groats, in principle,replaced flour or combined with it, resulting in pancakes on a manga. The recipe described now is radically different from the previous ones. On it a glass of milk is boiled, it is peppered with three quarters of a glass of manga and a half of a spoonful of butter and the most ordinary "kasha-malashka" is cooked. When it cools down, it is supplemented with flour (an incomplete glass, maybe less - you need to gradually fill it up), with two glasses of sour milk (curdled milk, liquid fermented milk, yogurt), two eggs, salt and sugar. The dough is ready. And pancakes are baked in the most usual way.

pancakes on a manga recipe

Paternal secrets

For your experiment to succeed, consider some of the subtleties:

  • if you want soft pancakes; Oil is poured into the dough. For dry eggs, in addition to whole eggs, yolks are introduced;
  • a large amount of sugar in the test helps burn the pancakes. It is better to sweeten them in ready-made form;
  • a special golden and gummy gives the dish ghee, introduced into the dough. However, then some degree of frying is lost.