Baking pancakes for the first time in my life can bea true nightmare, if you previously no one will explain how to do it right. And when the process is explained and understood, it turns out that they are very easy to prepare. What should be the perfect pancake? Thin, literally transparent, with lace edges, and very light.
It often happens that the milk is sour, andpour it out pity. If you let him sizzle to the end, you can cook wonderful pancakes, which will please your household. Dough on sour milk can stay in the refrigerator for up to three days, so you can prepare pancakes for breakfast to your family. Before cooking, he needs to stand for a while at room temperature.
Recipe: pancakes on sour milk - option first
Для начала необходимо воспользоваться мерным pitcher, with which to measure 75 milliliters of water and sour milk - 200 milliliters. Sift in a bowl about a hundred grams of flour and a little salt. After that do in the middle of the well, where to drive two eggs. Using a whisk, beat the eggs, collecting all the flour on the sides of the bowl. Little by little, you can add liquid, whisking and getting rid of lumps, they will not gradually become them. When all the liquid is added, using a spatula, you need to collect all the pieces in the middle and beat until a uniform consistency is obtained. Cooking pancakes is on butter, then they will turn out very tasty. Melt butter in a frying pan, about a quarter of the pack, part of which is added to the dough and mixed again.
In the process of frying, you can add oil gradually,so that the frying pan was not completely dry and the pancakes were not pestered. Before you start a full-scale frying, it is worth trying to make a test pancake, which will show whether the correct amount of oil you pour into a frying pan. In order to pour the dough, it is worth using a ladle. The dough is already in a frying pan? Now it needs to be tilted in different directions, which will allow to distribute it evenly over the entire surface. To bring the pancake to readiness it takes less than a minute. After this, it can be turned with a thin blade or knife, the other side takes a few seconds to prepare. The finished pancake should turn out to be lacy, almost transparent and crunchy.
Recipe: pancakes on sour milk - option two
If you decide to please your family and friends, thenthe recipe for sour pancakes is excellent for this. To do this you need: four hundred grams of flour, four eggs, four tablespoons of sugar, a couple of spoons of melted butter, half a liter of sour milk, salt. First you need to melt the butter, then separate the proteins from the yolks, rub the yolks with sugar, add to their mixture butter and sour milk, but not all. Add flour, carefully mix everything, adding the rest of the milk. If you are really interested in this recipe, pancakes on sour milk should come from a dough that looks like a thin sour cream for consistency. After this, the proteins must be beaten with salt, pour this mixture into the dough. The frying pan needs to be warmed up well, grease it with oil. Pancakes should be fried until ready, and stacking them, grease with butter.
Recipe: pancakes on sour milk - option three
In this case, you can take: a liter of yoghourt, a kilogram of flour, four tablespoons of vegetable oil, salt, half a liter of boiling water, four eggs.
Lightly beat eggs with salt and sugar, addflour, and introduce sour milk. Mix to homogeneity. Put into the pan soda, pour it with steep boiling water. Beat the batter without breaks, pour boiling water into it with soda. Add the vegetable oil, stir again. Let the dough stand for 10-15 minutes. Pancakes need to be baked from two sides to a golden color. Lubricate the pan is only the first time.
Bon Appetit!