/ / Little tricks: how to bake pancakes

Little tricks: how to bake pancakes

One of the favorite dishes in Russian cuisine for manyare pancakes. They are used in food with sour cream, jam, as well as a large number of various fillings. In this case, there are several tricks in how to bake pancakes, so that none of them turned out to be a lump.

Prepare this dish traditionally for Shrovetide.Yes, and in ordinary days you can please yourself and loved ones with delicious pancakes. However, it is necessary to have patience, as the process of preparation is quite long, but the result is worth it.

Actually, the recipes for the pancake test existgreat variety. It can be yeast or not, based on water, curdled milk or milk, and also have other ingredients. The main thing to remember is that its consistency should be approximately similar to kefir. After the preparation of the first pancake, which may well turn out to be a lump, you will see what exactly is missing in the test, and correct its composition and consistency.

For this dish it is worth using a specialfrying pan, it should be small in size and shallow. To ensure that the pancakes do not burn, it is recommended to add a little vegetable oil to the dough itself. This does not affect taste. When frying a frying pan it is necessary to grease with a piece of fat or a potato slice, dropped into vegetable oil.

An important question, how to properly bake pancakes,occurs when it comes to whipping the dough. Do not shake it too much, as it can become sticky, which will make it more difficult to cook. A large number of eggs will make pancakes hard, so more than two or three eggs per 0.5 liters of fluid should not be hammered. But in some cases, for example, if you make pancakes with stuffing, on the contrary, you can make the dough stiffer, so in such recipes, usually more eggs are indicated. If you want to make this dish rosy, then you need to add a little sugar. However, due to too much of this product, pancakes can burn, so it's worth keeping to the measure.

Before baking pancakes on a yeast dough,it is necessary to give him a little lift. However, if the dough is standing, there is a possibility that pancakes can burn. Too fast to stir the dough is not worth it, as this can worsen the taste of the prepared dish.

The blade for turning should be quite wide for the convenience of cooking. However, if the exact formulation was observed, there should be no problems with this process.

It is recommended to serve the finished products with hot ones.You can make a sweet filling for example, from cottage cheese or berries. But there are a lot of salty stuffing, for example, minced meat, mushrooms, red caviar and many others. For the dishes of the festive table there are many interesting recipes with the use of pancakes.

After the mistress was determined how to bakepancakes, she can decide and what to stuff them with. Original rolls or envelopes from pancakes with a piquant filling, which can be chosen for any taste, for example, ham, cheese, fresh tomato or mushrooms, mayonnaise, cheese will look original. Elegant pancakes with red caviar look awesome on any table.

Before you bake pancakes with stuffing, it's betterIn advance, take care of cooking the latter, as this will greatly reduce and simplify the cooking process. Depending on the filling, sugar is added to the dough. If pancakes will be filled with sweet foods, you can add a little more sugar, otherwise only the necessary minimum should be put.

I must say that a certain recipe, likecorrectly cook pancakes, no. This dish has long been used in Russia, and almost every mistress makes his own changes to it, choosing a recipe that is more to her liking. However, it is worth sticking to general recommendations and advice, so that the pancakes turned out magnificent, beautiful and not burned.