Sweet roll: recipe

Sweet rolls are a dish for all occasions.Cooking them quickly, but the taste is very pleasant, and most importantly - diverse. No matter how disciplined a person is, there is always a sweet roll for him. The recipe of almost any roll, with rare exceptions, which will be discussed later, begins with a description of the preparation of a sponge cake.

How to make a sweet roll?In general terms, everything is simple: choose the filling, prepare a sponge cake, distribute the filling over the cake and roll it into a roll. According to this principle, anyone can come up with their own recipes, the main thing to consider what products combine well with each other and which ones do not.

Fruit roll is sweet. The recipe for this roll is simple and simple

First of all, whisk 3 eggs with a whole glasssugar for dough. Gradually add a glass of flour to this mixture. Now it is poured on a greased baking sheet and put for 10 minutes in the oven. While the cake is baked, the apple and the banana are tarnished, mix the resulting puree with the cranberry. The resulting mixture is laid out on the cooled cake, and rolled roll.

Roll with curd filling.

A more original recipe than the previous one, andthe roll turns more gentle. For a biscuit test, you need to separate the proteins from the yolks of five eggs. The whiskers are then whipped into a foam with a mixer. Gradually, a glass of sugar is introduced into the protein foam, and then the yolks.

In a separate bowl, stir 2 tablespoonsstarch, 2 tablespoons of cocoa and 3 tablespoons of flour. The dry mixture is poured into the egg whipped with sugar and mixed. The finished dough is poured onto a greased baking sheet and put into the oven for 10 minutes.

For the filling it is necessary to mix the yolk with the dining rooma spoonful of sugar and pour this mixture into 250 g of wiped cottage cheese. When the cake will be ready and cool down, it is laid out the filling, leveled and rolled into a roll. To slightly change the flavor of this roll, you can add a piece of dried apricots or fruit to the filling.

The cherry-cream cheese roll is sweet. Recipe for a delicate and delicious roll with whipped cream

For the test, you need 4 eggs.They are divided into yolks and proteins. They are whipped with sahor separately from each other. The total amount of sugar needed for the test is 150 g. This amount is divided equally between the yolks and proteins. Then, both mixtures are combined, 150 g of flour and quenched soda are added to them. Bake as usual: at least 10 minutes in a preheated oven.

When the cake is ready, it must be twisted andleave to cool down. After the finished cake has cooled down, it is unfolded, a layer of whipped cream is laid on it, whole cherry berries are laid over them, and on top is another layer of cream. Then roll the roll.

Chocolate roll is sweet. Recipe for chocolate lovers

3 eggs and 100 grams of sugar mixed and whippeda mixer. Add 65 g of sifted flour and 15 g of cocoa powder. All is mixed and poured onto a greased baking sheet. The cake is baked in a preheated oven for 10 minutes in a hot oven.

After the cake has cooled, it is pouredmelted milk chocolate, top spread a thick sour cream and sprinkle with fresh berries, for example, raspberries. Then roll roll and decorate with powdered sugar.

And now the turn came to the exceptions mentioned at the beginning of the article: rolls, for which it is not necessary to bake cakes beforehand.

Cottage cheese roll. The recipe of a roll from cheese curd and cookies

250 g of curd cheese is beaten with a mixer with an almost full glass of sugar. In this mixture add 2 tablespoons of wedge syrup and a third of a glass of fatty cream. The mass is again beaten with a mixer.

In a rectangular shape for baking spreadtwo tablespoons of curd mass, from above lay a layer of shortbread cookies, again the curd mass, and so until the form is filled. Form with a roll at night put in the refrigerator.

Sweet lavash roll. Really original sweet roulette recipe

200 g of cottage cheese is mixed with egg and 2 tablespoonstablespoons of sugar. Then unfurl a thin lavash, say it with vegetable oil, here and there pour butter on the pita bread, cut into small pieces. Top spread curd mass and roll roll. The same procedure is repeated with another lavash. Both the resulting rolls are spread in a pan and poured 200 g of sour cream, mixed with two eggs. Put the frying pan in the oven for half an hour.