/ / Fish roll - a quick and tasty snack

Fish roll - fast and tasty snack

When summer is on the threshold, it's time to think about food,which can be taken on the nature and on the beach. One of the options for such a meal could be a fish roll. It is convenient to put it in a bag and cut it and eat it without forks and plates. We offer you several options of fish rolls, which differ in their ingredients and preparation time. And you already choose what recipe you like best.

If you have free time and want something special, then prepare the next roll.

Fish roll with vegetables
Ingredients for roll (in two portions):
• 400 grams of pike perch (fillet);
• one sweet pepper;
• one hundred grams of zucchini;
• one yolk;
• saffron (pinch);
• one and a half tablespoon breadcrumbs;
• ground pepper;
• a pinch of salt;
• food film.

For the sauce you will need:
• 150 ml of cream with a fat content of 33 percent;
• salt (to taste);
• fourth of a teaspoon of saffron.

Fish roll preparation recipe:
1. Cut into small cubes zucchini, pepper and pike perch fillet. Then add the yolk, a little salt, breadcrumbs, ground pepper, saffron and mix everything well.
2. On the table we lay out the plastic film. On one edge of the film lay out the resulting fish mass, form the roll and wrap the roll with cling film.
3. Roll laid in a ceramic dish. Then pour so much water to cover the roll, and cover with a lid. Bring the water to a boil and boil on a low heat for about fifteen to twenty minutes.
4. Also roll can be cooked and in the oven. The temperature should be 180 degrees, and you need to bake fish roll for about half an hour.
5. When the roll is ready, you need to remove the film and cut the roll into pieces.
6. Cooking sauce. To do this, mix the saffron with the cream, then add salt and wait until all boil. Ready sauce to serve to the cooled fish roll.

If, in addition to fish, you also love omelet, then you will certainly appreciate the following recipe.

Fish roll with omelet
For such a roll you will need:
• 150 grams of hake (fillet);
• 50 grams of bread;
• 50 grams of milk;
• ten grams of butter;
• one teaspoon tea flour;
• one egg.

Cooking process:
1. First you need to skip the fillet of the hake through the meat grinder.
2. Soak a muffin in the milk and mix with the fish (preferably then scroll through the meat grinder again).
3. Melted butter and add to the resulting minced meat.
4. Beat the egg with the remaining milk, add a little salt and pour it into the pan - fry the omelet.
five.On a piece of gauze (dipped in water) lay out the fish mince. Top need to crumble an omelet. Next, you should carefully wrap the roll and bring to readiness for a couple (better of course in a double boiler, but you can also in a saucepan).
6. Free the finished roll from cheesecloth and transfer it to a heated pan (pre-lubricated with vegetable oil). Fry the roll from all sides.
If time is running out, and you need to takesomething delicious on the road or cook dinner for the household, then use the following recipe. Such a recipe is prepared quickly, and the taste does not suffer from this at all.

Fish roll in pita bread
Ingredients for roll:
• one can of canned salmon;
• one sheet of Armenian lavash;
• three hundred grams of Gouda cheese (or edam);
• one bunch of green dill;
• 150 grams of mayonnaise (preferably thick).

Roll preparation method:
1. With a fork you need to knead the canned food.
2. On a grater we rub cheese (large).
3. Finely chop the greens.
4. All the ingredients are mixed.
5. On the table lay out a sheet of pita.
6. We smear the lavash with the resulting mass and gently roll it into a roll.
7. Roll wrapped in cling film and put in the fridge for about an hour.
8. When the roll hardens a little, you can take it out and cut it into portions.
9. Serve with salad or vegetables.

We hope that our recipes this summer will definitely come in handy.